Dear Yuletide Santa...

Oct 26, 2015 20:43

Dear Yuletide Writer,

First off, thank you so much for being willing to write a fic for me, especially in one of these fandoms. :D

I love things focusing on character interaction/relationships. That includes ships, (be they slash or het, in these fandoms I'm not picky), but I also love reading about family dynamics. (Found family is one of my favorite tropes for just that reason). Basically I love reading about people connecting with and relying on each other and how their interactions affect them.

Other than character death or graphic torture, I don't tend to have many squicks and I happily read fics with ratings from G up to NC-17 so I'm fairly open that way.

Probably the biggest thing I tend to want in a fic is a happy ending, or, at the very least a hopeful one. I can handle angst and bad things happening as well as they get resolved by the end of the fic. H/C is fine as long as the comfort is at least equal if not greater than the hurt.

I love all the Ghost crew, but Kanan is the character that I gravitate to the most. I'd love to see something focusing on his relationships and interactions with the rest of the Ghost crew. Ideas/prompts:

How Hera and he got from the end of New Dawn to where they are in the series

What Kanan is learning himself when he's teaching Ezra

We know how Hera and Ezra found out Kanan is a Jedi, but how did Sabine and Zeb (and Chopper)?

Zeb is a survivor of the Empire trying to wipe out his people, Kanan, surviving order 66 has to have an idea about what that feels like. Is this something they bond over initially maybe?

But really anything focusing on Kanan is going to make me happy.

I know in the rules it says you have to write all the characters I requested, but I won't hold you to that if you have an idea that you can't work all four of them into.

That being said, I've wanted a missing scene from Mirror Dance forever -- namely what happens when Miles and Mark finally make it back to Barrayar and their reunion with Cordelia and Aral, but really anything dealing with the Vorkosigan family dynamics would be awesome. I just love seeing how they relate to each other.

Or maybe something with maybe a peek at various Winterfairs (or another holiday, that just seems particularly appropriate to a yuletide story) over the years and what the family is doing/how they celebrate/what crisis they're having to deal with, etc.

Alternatively, Gregor/Miles is a pairing I've had a great deal of fun reading and anything focusing on them getting together, or how they make it work, etc I would also adore.

And, okay going to be vague so as not to spoil, but I've been reading an ARC of Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen and in the first chapter, that thing we find out had been a thing, I would love something that looked at how it became a thing. So if you actually know what I'm talking about and want to play with that, I would be really gleeful.

The sequence that most delighted me from the series was the bit in the last episode with everyone stepping forward in turn to lend their expertise as needed to get Riley out. It had such a Leverage feel to it, with the added twist of their connection that my mind immediately went to a fandom fusion place. Something with them pulling a leverage-esque caper using that kind of swap in and out of their abilities would be awesome.

But really, all the moments I got the most joy out of in the series was just the way they all relate to each other and connected and any way you want to explore that I am sure I'd be thrilled reading.

Also Nomi and Amarinta are awesome, and especially the way Amarinta just rolls with the whole thing. I'd love to see how she deals with it more from her perspective maybe?

And Lito and Dani and Hernando and their relationship is another one I adore. Maybe something with Dani and Hernando finding out about the whole sensate thing and how they react?

Really I just love the characters, all of them so whatever you want to do with them I'll be thrilled to read.


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