Tuesday night television makes me happy

Feb 04, 2015 02:07


So wow, Tuesdays are currently an embarrassment of riches when it comes to tv at the moment.

First off there was the Flash. I don't really have much to say about the show -- I like it a lot, it makes me happy, and I love the way the various relationships between the characters are being fleshed out. I was never really into much DC comics and never into the Flash (although I did read and collect Firestorm's book for about five minutes way back in the day) so I'm coming at the show closer to someone who knows nothing about the comics its based on than any other comic based show I watch right now. Which is kinda nice actually -- less preconceived notions that way.

Tonight's ep didn't really have anything major that stood out to me -- just more of what I like about the show. Though I did have an amusing moment when Barry got up to do karaoke and I actually wondered for a second if the actor would actually be a good singer.... until I remembered he was on Glee. I guess that proves I've definitely got over seeing him as Sebastian anyways.

And then there was Agent Carter which just continues to make me so very very happy. Not just because of Peggy being kick ass and, like she told Jarvis, making the men she works with take her seriously, not just because of getting to see the Howling Commandos again -- and even more of a delight, getting to see Peggy interacting with them. But the fact that the Red Room (even if they don't end up calling it that) is definitely explicitly part of MCU canon. I really do love how Marvel is show how they're quite skilled at weaving all the shows and movies together into one canon.

But, y'know, even if there hadn't been that, I'd still love the Agent Carter series because Peggy.

And lastly, Supernatural which continues to delight me this season. This episode being no exception.

It felt like a throwback to the best cracky episodes in the early seasons, without forgetting their current situation and problems.

And really, with Teen Wolf having last season writing the age regression fanfic trope into actual canon, did anyone really doubt that Supernatural would be far behind in doing the same? And it was done awesomely.

I loved teen!Dean (and maybe I'm just too Teen Wolf focused of late, but I found that he really looked like s2 Stiles in some of the more shadow filled shots.) And oh my god, Sam's facial expressions in reaction to teen!Dean had me on the floor I was laughing so hard. It was good to have an ep that was able to do that, it's really been a while that we've had that kind of thing.

Also if I haven't mentioned it before, I am loving the way they're portraying the brothers' relationship this season. It really feels like they're more together and on the same page than they've been in... years. Since Kripke was in charge. I just... I like for once that we're not going with secrets driving a wedge between them or them fighting or any of the other conflict for drama's sake between them.

flash, agent carter, supernatural, episode reaction

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