NEW TEEN WOLF FIC SERIES: You Still Have Me (Scott/Stiles)

May 17, 2014 21:53

I just finished the third fic in this series and realized I'd never posted the first two here either.

Season 3b of Teen Wolf left me with all the Scott/Stiles feels. I knew even before the season was over that I wanted to write a story set post season exploring how Scott and Stiles could get together. This series, You Still Have Me, is that story. Three fics in it so far with more to come. :)

Rating for these stories is all G, but I expect it will eventually go higher. :)

Part 1:

Comfort Given Is Comfort Granted

Summary: Stiles stared at his phone for a long moment after the message finished, though he already knew what he was going to do. Despite Scott's attempt to hide it, Stiles clearly heard the tiny tremor in his voice that signalled he wasn't doing nearly as well as he was trying to seem. There was no way that Stiles could hear that and not be there for Scott. No matter how messed up he himself was still feeling.

Part 2:

I'll Be Your Sounding Board

Summary: So far though Stiles seemed to be dealing by concentrating on being there for Scott and Scott couldn't say he hadn't found his presence a balm. He may have been a little quieter, a little less frenetic, but he was still Stiles and Scott would always find his presence a comfort. And if Stiles helping him in turn helped Stiles, that was just a bonus Scott would take gratefully.

It didn't stop him wishing that Stiles would let him help in a more direct way though.

The memorial was the first chance Stiles gave him to do just that.

Part 3:

Pull Me Back From The Brink

Summary: He had figured the scenting would probably gradually stop over time, but so far it seemed like the exact opposite was happening. Whenever Scott would get agitated or upset, Stiles would find himself getting sniffed, whether it had anything to do with him or not. And it always seemed to calm Scott down. Stiles was starting to feel like a security blanket or....


stiles stillinski, you still have me, scott/stiles, teen wolf, fic, scott mccall

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