Captain America 2 The Winter Soldier squee

Apr 04, 2014 01:42

Using this icon even though neither of these characters were in the movie because I don't actually have a Steve Rogers icon...

Just got back from seeing Captain America 2...

My non-spoilery reaction: Holy Crap was that a great movie! I think it might be my new favourite of the solo hero movies (ie, all the movies except Avengers because Avengers is in a category all of its own). I think I had to have chair danced in glee at least ten times during the film. It was just that good.

I also think I legit want to see every movie we got trailers for, which NEVER happens. Granted considering three of the five are movies based on marvel comic characters (X-Men: Days of Future Past, Spider-Man 2, and Guardians of the Galaxy) maybe not so surprising. The other two trailers were Lucy, which action movie with a female lead played by Scarlet, yes please, sign me up, and Maleficent, which I had been on the fence about seeing but the trailer I think sold me.

Holy shit, they weren't kidding when they said it was going to be like a cold war spy thriller, were they?

I haven't actually sat down and read the entire story arc where Bucky comes back in the comics but I do know the high beats and have read key scenes of it. Like the scene, and the one line that they really had to put in the film and they did not disappoint. The "Who the hell is Bucky?" line. Which probably got the biggest chair dance of glee of the whole film, though one other came pretty damn close.

I have to say I like that they had Bucky seem to remember on his own, that Steve got through to him with just his words and actions instead of some mystical magical cube like in the comics. It felt... more earned this way? Definitely more poignant. I think it works here maybe more than it would've in the comics too because MCU Steve and Bucky are of the same age and have been friends since childhood, instead of the hero and teen sidekick thing of the comics, so there's more history and more feelings to pull those memories to the surface.

And I am fully on board the watching Bucky's redemption arc in the nine movies (or is it just seven left) that Sebastian is contracted for.

Steve was just perfect in this -- in my serious comic collecting days I was always kinda meh over Captain America, but I adore the MCU version. The goodness, the wry humor, the indomitable spirit... I mean, how can you not like him? He's really the perfect character to have in the center of this because he's so moral. It throws all the badness of the murky grey around him into high light. Throw in the freaking amazing fight scenes with him (seriously all the ways he used the shield alone was just awesome) and if possible I fell even more in love with the character than I was before.

Natasha in this was just... god she really needs her own movie. Like a lot. Right now. She was as kickass as she always is and I loved seeing her in her being a spy element. Teaming her up with Steve was just the perfect combination -- the conversations where the two of them come at things from their very different viewpoints were some of the best parts of the film.

Sam Wilson... my god he was so perfect. Funny and competent and kickass and just everything I wanted him to be. His friendship with Steve right from the start is so perfect. I'm so looking forward to seeing more of him and Steve teaming up in future movies.

Nick Fury was the badass, sneaky, awesome motherfucker that he always is, with his contingency plans within contingency plans. Like Tony said in the Avengers he's the spy. Have to admit, I didn't buy him being dead for one second because a) he's Nick Fury and b) there were scenes in the trailer with him in that hadn't been in the movie yet.

It was so nice to see Maria Hill back and kicking ass like we know she can. Made me wonder too now that HIMYM is over if maybe we won't see more of her on Agents of SHIELD. Though maybe not, given that it looked like she was applying for a job with Stark Industries at the end there. Which, heh, is a kinda humorous way of getting Tony to be her boss without Tony taking over SHIELD like in the comics.

Speaking of women who kick ass, we didn't really get much of Sharon in this (and they didn't come out and clarify that she's Peggy's niece though having her talk to her aunt on the phone right after the scene with Steve visiting Peggy felt like an easter egg nod to that), but there's definitely potential for the future.

Lesee, who else? Oh! Armin! That was another chair dance of glee from me when I realized what the face on the screen meant -- such an elegant and awesome way of translating the comic character into the MCU. And having him be behind Bucky's brain washing into the Winter Soldier felt right. I liked that they went with all of that being Hydra and not the Soviets, it just feels neater, more cohesive somehow.

I did not see Sitwell actually being a bad guy coming. On one hand it made me sad because I liked Sitwell, on the other hand it worked really well at showing how much Hydra had infiltrated SHIELD to have a character we know and have followed for a while turn out to be with Hydra.

I loved all the name checks we got -- Bruce Banner more than once (and I like how he was used as an example of someone Hydra needed to eliminate -- and that it was Bruce and not the Hulk they seemed to be concerned with.), Tony with the repulsor engines and then his name being shown as one of the targets, Howard and Maria's deaths being shown as an example of Hydra taking out people who get too close to figuring out their secret, Stephen Strange (which also got a little bit of chair dance of glee). I really really like how the movies all feel like they take place in a larger world and that when we get glimpses of other bits of it, they feel more real somehow and not just easter eggs for us comic geeks.

The first after credit scene (and only one person walked out of the theatre before we got to that one so people are learning, though about half the audience walked out right after it so a lot haven't got the memo that you need to stay till the bitter end if it's a Marvel film) was the other thing that is in contention for the biggest chair dance of glee from me. I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be Strucker as the guy with the monacle talking. And then the glimpse of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch was just EEEEEEEE. Obviously they're getting a different origin since Magneto and mutants in general are licensed to Fox with the X-Men films and I do like how they are tying all the plots and villains and stuff together. It just makes the part of me who loves when puzzle pieces snap into place very very happy. But even with the different origin, I liked the glimpse we got of their powers too. I cannot WAIT for Avengers 2.

captain america 2 the winter soldier, squee

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