Dear Yuletide writer.....

Nov 20, 2010 22:56

Dear Yuletide writer,

First of all, thank you for writing a story for me. I'm sure whatever you write I'll be happy to receive. I never know what to write in these things so bear with me if this gets rambly.

I have pretty wide fiction tastes, really. I like the schmoopy awww character beats, but I'm not afraid of a little angst. I do like fics where characters make a connection with one another, be that romantic, familiial or just friendship. I'm primarily a slasher, but will read gen and het and femslash as well so it's all good. Romance is good, but so's adventure or crack fic or humor or a character study or pwp. So whatever you feel drawn to write is cool.

The one thing I really want though from a fic is a happy ending. Real life can be depressing enough; I like my reading to leave me with a smile on my face. Follwoing from that, the main squicks I'd ask you to avoid is death fic, followed by gratuitous torture, that sort of thing. But other than that, go wherever the inspiration leads you.

1. Dark Angel. Like I said in my request I'm all about Alec in this fandom. He was the gateway character for me, the one who got me into the fandom in the first place, and he remains my favourite though I like pretty much everyone. So if you feature him, you'll have me at hello.

2. Nightrunner Series by Lynn Flewelling I adore these books and Seregil and Alec. Anything with the two of them will make me happy. I've read all the novels and Glimpses, the collection of short stories, so feel free to rift off any of the published canon as you wish. You won't spoil me.

3. Vorkosigan Series by Lois McMaster Bujold I know I gave a very specific request for this one and if you actually write it, you'll have my undying gratitude and squee. But don't feel you have to if it doesn't call to you. Basically anything with Miles being Miles will make me happy, or even the rest of the present day Vorkosigns (Aral, Cordelia, Mark...) If you're drawn to write slash, lightgetsin has got me rather addicted to Miles/Gregor and something in that line would make me happy too.

4. Smoke Series by Tanya Huff I've loved Tony since his first appearance in the Blood books and that love just grew when he got to be the main character in his own series. I'd love to see something with him getting settled into a relationship with Lee, and the problems incorporating that into his life as a wizard and job and everything else.

Once again, thanks for writing for me and I can't wait to see what you come up with. :D


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