No trickster angel for me :(

Jul 03, 2010 01:19

So... work has been more hellish than usual this past week. Because of that and other things (which on their own wouldn't have been as bad, but added on to the work thing, they really were), my stress levels have been significantly higher than usual, but I've been dealing, mostly because next week my vacation time starts and I'm going to the NJ SPN con. The thought of the con and getting to see in particular Misha and Richard is pretty much the thing that's been keeping me going.

They updated the con page today:

July 2, 2010: We were advised today that due to filming requirements both Richard Speight, Jr. and Travis Wester are unfortunately unable to be with us for the convention. We hope to have them next time and we are bringing in popular young star Matt Cohen (Young John Winchester) to appear on Friday and Saturday. Those with separate autograph tickets and/or photo ops with Richard and/or Travis can use those tickets at the convention towards other tickets and/or Creation merchandise.

Yeah. FML.

And while I love Matt's portrayal of both John and Michael, they're not Gabriel and he's not Richard. Gabriel's become my favourite non regular character, and while I've seen Richard before, that was before that whole storyline and I was really looking forward to hearing him talk about it. Like really..

Let's not even get into how they're replacing three guests (or two, if you count Travis and A.J. (who cancelled in May) as one 'facer unit) with one, or how they're not issuing refunds but only letting you use the photo ops for credit (though I am assuming you could demand they refund them there and they will.) Because that is irritating me almost as much as not getting Richard is bumming me out. I've had very positive experiences with the Creation's SPN cons up to now -- sure there's been things go wrong and people cancelled and all, but it felt like they made a good faith attempt to give equal value. Right now I'm not feeling nearly as good about them. This just doesn't feel like we're getting equal value for what's been cancelled.

You know who they could've gotten to replace Richard that would've felt like equal value? Mark Sheppard.

And yeah, I know it's not the end of the world, that really if this is all I have to complain about, I am pretty lucky. And that with one week to the con finding replacements would probably be difficult, and all that. And I would be the last person to begrudge Richard work -- the man is a brilliant actor and deserves all the work he can get. The rational part of me gets all that. But the emotional part of me is all wibbling because I've been looking forward to this for months and Richard was a huge part of the reason why.

I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever guests we do get because in my experience so far every single SPN actor has been lovely and amazing and very much worth seeing and meeting. And of the eight guests, four are ones I haven't had a chance to see at a con before and of the other four, Misha and Aldis are very much favourites of mine as much as Richard. And this is going to be a smaller con so hopefully more relaxed for all involved, including the guests.

And it's time away from work to destress, no matter who the guests are, which is a very good thing right about now. I'm just... I was so looking forward to being able to tell Richard to his face how amazing and awesome his portrayal of Gabriel was.

Though, until information saying different comes to light, I'm going to assume the filming commitment is for SPN and that we'll be getting Gabriel in the season premiere even. (as I think they should be filming that by the time con is going) That assumption makes me feel better even if it's more likely than not a misassumption.

Misha better not cancel too though or I will not be responsible for my reactions.

nj con, spn

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