What's in the box?

Jun 19, 2010 22:07

So did anyone else...

....have the desire to yell out, "It's a robot head!" when they made their way into Stonehenge? Just me?

(Only to desolve into laughter when a moment later there's a pan down to a cyberman head. It really was a robot head!)

Aside from the Stonehenge Apocalypse induced moment of fandom cross pollenation hilarity, there was so much in this ep (and this whole season) to love. I loved the brief scenes of so many other characters and places we've seen throughout the season. (and really, River Song and Liz Ten in one scene? That is so totally made of awesome, I can't explain.)

I continue to fall even more madly in love with Eleven, and with River and with Amy. And Rory! Poor dead, non-existed but he does exist as a Roman heroic, tragic, doesn't want to be an auton Rory. Really, really love them all.

I had called that the Pandorica was a prison for the Doctor, but I thought a future version of him was already in it, not that it was all a trap to put him there in the first place. And all of the races that the Doctor has battled, now united in the singular task of trapping him. That was just brilliant.

I love River more and more every time we see her. I love the way she talks about/to the TARDIS -- like it's another being, not just a ship. Like the Doctor does. I love how she's only in prison because she's chosen to be and the second she needs to be somewhere else, she can escape without even breaking a sweat. I love that she graffitti'ed the oldest cliff in existence just because the Doctor wouldn't answer his phone. I love how she dealt with the centurian. River is totally made of awesome.

And Amy and Rory -- they were just breaking my heart! Moffat, you better fix everything and have them both alive and together at the end of this. I'm just saying. They deserve that.

Have to say, having the whole universe blink out of existence is a pretty huge cliffhanger. If the season finale next week is even half as good as I'm hoping it will be, I think this season may become my favourite. As is, I think Matt Smith may have leapfrogged past Tennant on my list of favourite Doctors.

(and look, me posting an actual opinion on something I've just watched! I might just get back into the hang of posting about fannish things yet!)

squee, doctor who

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