You want me to pick just one?

May 13, 2010 20:17

I will be hopefully be breaking radio silence here with something more substancal later tonight (re: flailing about SPN season finale and the season in general) but for now:

When you see this message, post in your journal with your favorite Season 5 SPN quote.

There are many, many quotes I could put here, a lot of which I've seen others post. But this, honestly, is the first one that popped into my head:

"I've been riding the pine a long time, but I'm in the game now. And I'm not on your side or Michael's. I'm on their's."

Also: "So this is me, standing up. And this is me, lying down."

*<3 's Gabriel. *

Also, OMG 45 minutes to go! *runs around in circles flailing*

spn squee

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