Pimping myself....

Jan 28, 2010 12:05

*blows dust off journal*

Yes, we all know I suck at updating when I'm not actively posting fic. I will try and get a state of me post up soon, but for this post is for pimping.

The help_haiti community is having another lightning round and this time I've offered 10 ficlets of at least 200 words each up for auction here.

To cut and paste from my offer:

Fandoms: Supernatural, Nightrunner, Buffy, Angel, Doctor Who, Star Wars (movies only, no EU), Leverage

Additional Info (optional): going to be adventurous here and offer any character and/or any pairing from the above. For Buffy and Angel, only the tv series, not the comic continuations, for DW, again just the tv series, not the novels or big finish audios, but I will do classic (from the third Doctor on, I'm not confident enough in my familiarity of One and Two) as well as new Who.

Donation Minimum/Number of items offered: $2 minimum/10 ficlets offered

I'll add here too that if someone were to want a fic with any of my FH characters, I'd be up for that as well. And of course, I'd be willing to do ficlets set in the same 'verse as any of the fics I've posted, solo or cowritten.

So go, bid. Either on me, or one of the other offers at hand. *shoos you off*


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