Random Sunday babbling...

Mar 02, 2008 16:10

So it's been a while since I updated. Work has been really really busy. The other regular closing supervisor is on vacation so I'm getting all her shfits. I just came off a 7 day stretch which I really hate doing. By the end of it, not only do I have very little patience left, but all my creativity tends to go out the window. This week coming up is a little better though so hopefully I won't be reduced to just staring blankly at my laptop after shifts again.

Yesterday was the first day off I'd had since Feb 22nd and I finally was able to open up premiere and start laying clips down on the Sweet Charity vid that I'd only had time to work on in my head up till then. It's going really well -- I'm about 3/4s done now and have high hopes I'll finish before I go to bed tonight.

This is the first vid I've made on this particular computer and while I had some codec problems when I started that I haven't so much fixed as found work arounds, I'm all happy and bouncy over how fast it is compared to my old computer. I guess four times the RAM and a faster processor to boot makes a helluva difference. It was a little shaky getting started -- I hadn't worked in premiere since I finished Sick Cycle Carousel for VVC premieres last year, but, like riding a bicycle, it all came back pretty quickly.

I've found too, that my vidding process has changed a helluva lot since I first started vidding. Now I vid so much more in my head before I ever open premiere. There's much less guesswork about what to put on the timeline and I have a much more fleshed out and detailed idea of what I want to say before I start. I'm not sure if this is making me a better vidder per se, but maybe a surer vidder? Either way, I kinda like the change. :)

Got my remix redux assignment and while I didn't get my first choice of fandom and the tone of this person's fic is almost like the anti-Wolfling fic tone*, I think I found something I can work with. I'll let it percolate in my mind for a few more days before attempting to start it.

For whoever got me as their remix assignment, *waves* hi. Feel free to grab any of my stuff -- most of it is on the website, but there are a few that haven't made it there yet because I suck at updating same. Pretty much any of those can be found in my lj's memories. I'd say I hope you like slash, but I think there's a good enough sprinkling of gen mixed in there that it's not all about the slash.

Okay, off to try and finish this vid....

*being the anti-Wolfling fic tone isn't an insult or a bad thing. It just means it's really short on schmoop or situations I can work into schmoop easily.

work, remix, wolf babbles, vid talk

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