New SPN, Sweet Charity Squee, FH Squee and Valentines

Jan 31, 2008 14:36

New SPN tonight, yay!

I originally had to work tonight, but got asked earlier in the week if I'd be willing to work Sunday and take Thursday off instead, apologizing for asking me to work on my off weekend. I of course didn't mention the fact that I'm thrilled to have Thursday off because I get to watch new SPN on the east coast feed.

I got the last of the Sweet Charity things I won last auction today and all in all, everything's been very squeeworthy.

I got a lovely SPN fic from lyra_wing in her FBI au, To Catch a Thief which tells how Sam and Dean ended up working for Hendrickson. It had everything I could possibly want, including Andy. It's definitely gone into my "fics that make me happy" file. :D

I also got some graphics from lostt1 which have made me make highpitched squeeing noises only dogs and dolphins can hear. She made manips of Dean/Alec (see the icon on this post) and Zoe/John :

Both of which are cross fandom pairings that probably seem out of left field for people who don't follow Fandom High, but are near and dear to my heart because of FH and had dispaired of ever having icons for and now I do and they are gorgeous! I feel the need to actually write xover fic so I can have excuses to use the icons here more too! She also made me four gorgeous headers, one of which will be gracing my journal as soon as I can figure out which one I want up the most! I may need to learn how to do rotating headers...

And today I got from kimonkey7 the SPN tshirts she made me. Yes, tshirts plural. One is black and short sleeved with a Dean silhouette of the \o pose from Heart and the words IN KRIPKE WE TRUST across it. The other is purple and long sleeved with the same Dean silhouette on the front and the ten commandments according to Dean on the back. (Which isn't what she actually calls them but that's the way I've been referring to them in my head and I'm afraid I can't remember her term now because of that.)

This makes me incredibly happy because every major fandom I've had in the last ten years, I've acquired at least one tshirt for and I like having them to wear -- especially at cons. And now, finally I have SPN tshirts to add in to that mix!

I'll need to take some pictures of them so everyone can see how awesome they are. :D

So I'm publicly thanking all three of the ho's I won last fall because you are all seriously made of win.

Which brings us to the current Sweet Charity -- the auction that ended last weekend. I was lucky enough to win minim_calibre (and was happily surprised to find out that I had; I hadn't thought my last bid had gone through) and I need to go babble at her in email some of the ideas that could hopefully work as fic prompts. (and yeah, the icon on this post might be a clue to the type of thing I'll be babbling about...)

I also offered up myself this time, a SPN fic and a vid. I fell down laughing when I saw who had won my vidding skills. She's asked for a Torchwood vid and I've got hold of the song that was her first choice and yeah. I think I can work with it. So I'm now in the process of listening to said song many many times and rewatching series 1 of Torchwood to try and get potential clip choices fresh in my mind.

And as it turns out, I won't be doing the fic as there was a miscommunication somewhere and the person who won me wanted a fic in fandoms I don't write in, and so she's picked another writer from the list of pinch hitters as neither of us was going to end up happy with the arrangement. I'm a little disappointed as I was looking forward to writing a SPN fic for someone, but the ultimate goal was to raise money for charity and that was done so... And I've put my original offer up on the list of available pinch hitters so maybe I'll still end up writing something eventually.

Speaking of SPN writing, I am still working on Into the West (the send the boys into the old west fic), but haven't much on it in the last week due to playing out a big plot in Fandom High with the Winchesters. We started planning it back in Nov 2006 and it turned out as wonderfully awesome as I could've hoped. There was a YED and a possessed Alec and a possessed John and Dean whumpage and Dawn whumpage and Karsite priests doing exorcisisms and we now have the groundwork laid for future playing with SPN canon in the game. (I'm hoping to get to a point where we can have Andy guest star because Andy!) But anyway, that's taken up most of my creativity the last couple of weeks but now that it's over I hope to get back to writing other things too.

And finally, though I've never seemed to have much luck with Valentinie's Day and getting Valentines (in whatever form they're offered), I figured I'd put this up in case people do want to send me a valentine.

Get your own valentinr

spn, fic talk, fandom high, squee, sweet charity

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