9 days and counting...

Sep 25, 2007 11:49

To new SPN. It needs to be Oct 4th now. *checks watch, taps foot*

Thanks to everyone who gave me birthday wishes yesterday. :)

It was a nice quiet relaxing day. I had took it off work and went out shopping for a while. Checked out this new age shop that's downtown I had recently noticed and ended up buying a couple of crystals, a "spirit bear" amulet (omphalos knows why finding this amused me), and a gorgeous journal that has this celtic style picture of horses on the cover. I liked the feel of the place very much and am happy to have a place like that in town. I expect I'll be making semi-regular trips to it.

Also I made a stop at Ben and Jerries and got a pint of sweet cream and cookies which I munched some of while watching the season premiere of Heroes. I love it when I get season premieres of favourite shows for my birthday. :)

My non-spoilery reaction? I pretty much loved the premiere. I'm still in the love to watch and will even maybe read some fanfic if it shows up on my flist, but have no plot bunnies of my own stage, but I enjoy watching immensely anyway. And I pretty much like all the characters which for such a huge ensemble cast is saying something.

Generally I will watch a show for about a season and a half before I tip fully over into fannish obsession, so we'll see what happens around Febuary with me and Heroes.

Sweet Charity has ended officially and I actually won some stuff this time! *rubs hands in fiendish fannish acquisitive glee*

I've been working on some of the prompts given to my last post and hope to actually have something to post soon.

And today is back to the grind -- I've got 3 supervisor shifts this week which we'll see how it goes. There's so much drama happening at work right now (all of it pretty much down to the fact that we have a manager that's not very good) and it's beginning to get wearing. I've given myself to the end of October to see if it settles down; if not I'll start looking for another job.

birthday, real life, work, wolf babbles, heroes

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