Mail and writing :)

Nov 14, 2006 15:01

So I had a lovely surprise waiting for in the mail this morning -- an Amazon package from chriszac. It was all nicely gift wrapped and I considered waiting to open it, but when it comes to getting packages in the mail I revert to about 6 and want to open them now, now now. *grin* So my restraint lasted a grand total of five minutes before I was unwrapping it to reveal House season 1 dvds.

Thank you so much. :) I foresee much snarky doctor (the one without two hearts) watching in my future. If you want to give me characters and a prompt, I'll happily write a ficlet as a more tangible thanks. :)

Speaking of writing, yes I am still slogging away at the nano and yes I completely suck as far as being anything close to the word count on it that I should be for a nano fic. But I'm not too upset about it -- I wouldn't have started this fic without the nano impetus and I've been poking at least at it every day, along with writing on the other fic that came up and bit me a couple of days before nano started. Actually, if you add up the word counts on both of those, I'm not too far off where I should be so overall I'm feeling fairly happy with my output this month so far.

I've got a germ of an idea for my Yuletide fic -- still needs to percolate and develop before I attempt to write it, but it's a starting point. Since this is my first time doing Yuletide, I was careful to only offer fandoms I was fairly confident I could write in, although one was a fandom that I've been wanting to write in but have been a little daunted about the challenge of getting the characters' voices right. Yep, you guessed it, that would be the one I got as an assignment. But I'm taking it as a challenge and plan on immersing myself in the canon and hopefully the voices will stick in my head enough that I can manage it.

And I have the beginnings of an idea for it, so yay!

The original idea I had of what to do for my spn_holidays assignment I've quickly come to the conclusion is insanity to try and do and do well and get done in the time I have, so I'm reluctantly letting go of that idea and looking for another. I'm not too worried about being able to come up with something halfway decent as it's Winchesters and my brain seems to want to be all Winchesters all the time. I do think it might be possible to take a little bit of my original idea and make it maybe into a teaser gift; I'll have to see.

All in all, even with failing pretty abysmally at my daily nano word count, I'm feeling very productive and creative this month so far and that's making me a much more cheerful optimistic Wolfling.

real life, fic talk

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