Still not dead...

Feb 14, 2006 14:17

Again it's been a while since an update. I really need them to invent a client that will update from you thinking about doing so because that seems to be as far as I get most days. I have been reading though and commenting here and there so I still have been around.

What have I been doing instead of posting here? Well, working on some original fic like I mentioned in the brief post the other day. There's a few fanfic projects I'm poking at as well, but I'm really having fun playing with Ian and Derek and look forward to writing much more with them. :)

Also, I've been continuing work on the Farscape vid, slow going because there's much more having to rewatch looking for clips as I've only watched the series through once, but it's fun. I really do love this show and am kinda sorry I didn't get into it earlier. Although there is something to be said for having all the episodes to watch at your convenience without having to wait for sweeps or new seasons or mini-series/movies to be made and aired to find out what happens next. And it is such a wonderful show for vidding, with many gorgeous -- and silly and horrifying and surreal and poignant -- visuals to choose from. Even if it does have a distressing tendency to show all sorts of excess body fluids. :p But I look forward to see how this vid turns out and I have a tentative idea for another one for sometime in the future. We'll see.

Speaking of vidding, I did this year register for Vividcon. :) So barring some natural or personal catastrophe *knock on wood* I will be making it to VVC this year. Finally. Woo! I'm so looking forward to that.

This would be why I haven't signed up for or am planning to go to Writercon, BTW; it's far too close to VVC for me to swing both and I've been wanting to go to VVC for going on three years now. If the cons were closer to where I live and, y'know, not in another country, I might be better able to swing more than one a year. But things being what they are...

I've also, as I've said in other posts, completely and totally falling for Supernatural. Last week I watched the new ep at 9, then watched the west coast of that ep at midnight, then dl'ed it and watched it again next morning. I haven't done that with a show since Angel. I'm now actively searching for/mulling over songs for a possible SPN vid, and, while I haven't quite hit that "oh god I've got to write about this!" point yet, I'm closer for this show than any other.

Also, I've been watching the Olympics, as much for the human dramas that come out of it as for any sense of national pride. The two moments that stand out for me so far are firstly, the pairs figure skating long program and the Chinese skater falling so hard that they stopped the music and it was unsure she could go on -- and then them not only going on and finishing the program but winning the silver medal. True grit and guts there. The second was this morning during the Nordic skiing woman's relay race, when the Canadian skier's pole broke and she was given a new one by a Norwegian coach -- and the Canadians went on to win silver, which they probably wouldn't have without that action.

And today is Valentine's Day. To celebrate, I went out and bought myself the Doctor Who dvd set which came out today. (I have to buy myself a Valentine's gift as I never seem to get anything from anyone else. Like... ever. But I got over being bitter about that years ago and use the day as an excuse to get myself something. At least this way I know I'll get exactly what I want.) So I will be watching the extras and commentaries on that, and probably squeeing quietly to myself over it.

And there's a new Supernatural episode tonight for even more squeeing. :)

Okay off to watch some DW...

spn, olympics, squee, farscape, doctor who, wolf babbles, vid talk, fic talk

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