Not dead yet...

Jan 19, 2006 19:43

Err, hi!

Guess it's a good idea that I didn't make a New Year's resolution to be update my lj more often because I'd be off to a lousy start if so.

Lesee, what do I have to write about that's actually vaguely interesting. Yes, I'm still alive, still poking at things creative although maybe not as much as I'd like, but every little bit gets me closer to finishing projects.

To add to/finish up my tally of holiday cards and all I have also received cards from thebratqueen, lostgirlslair, justhuman, and itsabigrock (and I loved the letter. "Peter Pan lied!" indeed. snigger) and mpoetess send me the Kate Rusby and Kathryn Roberts cd that Exile is off of which is lovely and melodic and made me squee happily when I opened it. So thank you all. :)

Oh and from the fandomcards exchange, there was the New Year's card from John and Aeryn on Moya to round out the holiday mail. :D

Fandomwise, I'm still a Buffy and Angel girl (or a Giles/Ethan and Angel/Wesley (Angel/Doyle) girl, if we're getting into specific OTP). Still love the characters, have fic ideas and vid ideas and have no desire to put them on the shelf and walk away.

That being said, I've also been getting back into SG-1 (season 9) although so far that's been just watching the show and chortling madly at it. I think I picked the right time to get into Farscape because it made it so much more fun to start watching s9 with Vala and Cam. I'm enjoying the hell out of this season so far, with the new and old character interactions and dynamics and the Orai and the politics and philosophical problems and the banter and the Crichton in charge of SG-1 (though I'm getting better at thinking of him as Colonel Mitchell and not Crichton. Most of the time.) Predictably, I think I'm adoring the banter between Daniel and Cam the most but I haven't really had any urge to slash them. I seem to be still and always, a Jack/Daniel girl. But Daniel and Cam are a lot of fun to watch interact, no doubt about it.

And of course, I'm still completely and utterly in love with Farscape (having come very late to that party) and am in the middle of one Farscape vid and have ideas for other vids and perhaps eventually some fic as well. We'll see. I'm still just basking in how wonderful the actual canon is for that show is so we'll have to wait and see where that takes me.

Of fandoms that don't have closed canon, the two that I would consider myself in (not only watching the show but have fic ideas/have written fic for and/or have vid ideas/have vidded in) would be Doctor Who and Supernatural.

Doctor Who hasn't started the new season yet (still a couple of months at best to go) but I did of course watch The Christmas Invasion over the holidays. David Tennant I think is going to be a brill Doctor and I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing more of him in the part.

I'm adoring Supernatural but the more I venture into the edges of that fandom and read posts on my friendslist even I feel like I'm not really in synch with other fans of the show. I like both brothers pretty much equally, and think both of them are interesting characters and like trying to get inside their heads. But all the fic ideas I've had so far have been in Sam's pov and he seems to be the one I gravitate to the most. Since pretty much everyone who mentions the show seems to be focusing almost exclusively on Dean and his reactions/feelings/motivations I do seem to be not gravitating towards what seems to be becoming the fandom norm. Which is fine; it just means that I often don't get as much out of episode discussions and such as I might because my focus is wider/elsewhere.

Although the whole woobifying of Dean completely mystifies me, but then that's nothing new. Woobifying in general mystifies me.

Still I'm loving the show and am definitely reserving my seat in that well known hand basket by where my thoughts go when I watch it. :)

Oh and a fanfic rec in yet another fandom. For those of you who have read Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan novels (and if you hadn't read them, you bloody well should! They're fantastic!) you need to check out A Deeper Season by eolianbeck and sahiya. It's PG 13, Miles/Gregor, an AU set after Memory (with, given the understandable removal of Laisa from the storyline of that novel), 18 chapters and an epilogue. I can't gush enough about how good this story is. I absolutely adore it. They've nailed every character's voice perfectly and had me chortling with glee quite often when I was reading it. So go, shoo, read, feedback.

Oh this nudge thing? Put me in the camp that thinks it's rude, annoying and just a bad idea all around. Like so many others have said, if you are so worried about me not having posted recently, send an email (And I have an email address listed in my user info.) not a form letter. Besides being rude, it's far from effective in my case; I don't take well to nagging and tend to want to do the opposite of what I'm being nagged to do. (Case in point, I had a lj post started when I did get nudged (which I don't hold against the nudger as I hadn't made it clear my stand on this at that point, and I don't know if how rude and demanding the form letter is was known at that point) and, well... it's almost a week later before I'm getting around to actually posting. Pretty much the bottom line is this is my lj and I will update or not as the will takes me, not to anybody else's schedule. And since I can be a very erratic updater, and probably at my best average only once or twice a week, I have made this all easy for everyone and opted out of the nudge feature (now that LJ has very belatedly finally made that possible, and I will refrain from adding a rant in here about them introducing annoying features without introducing any way to get out of them at the same time other than to say Grrr. Arrgh.) so the temptation to nudge me is no longer there.

And now to post before I get distracted again and another day goes by without me doing so. :)

angel, spn, farscape, doctor who, wolf babbles, sg-1, vorkosigan, fic rec, buffy

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