Good Morning!! Okay this is my 1st attempt at my Weekly Journal (Notes) ... and usually as with the vast majority of my writings, I simply plop myself down at my computer and get quiet and allow my thoughts to roam to the more important/significant events of the past week!! This past week was rather different than most inthe past 3 months because
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Boy this is powerful, at least IMHO. Some questions you might pose to yourself, what do "The Ancients" signify to you, what might that signify to others? (Common sense in our society, I'm sure you have done already) Also there are literal interpretations which can be coroborated by a quick look at the shift that IS (not WILL BE) occuring. There are all manner of paradigms that fit this: Return of the "Christ", movement into "5th world" (Maya), first contact with ETs (Telepathic), ascention of the entire human race ("new age"). A great peice of advice I recieved from an urban shamanic practitioner was this: Find the "Map" that is most empowering for you and go with it. If you find that a paradigm is presenting too many logical/emotional problems, then it is probably not right for you.
Now, all this you already know. That is something else that I'm sure you are noticing and it's only going to get worse (better)!
And I realize that I sound like I think I know what I am talking about, but believe me, I'm just starting to make sense of all this. Just a little disclaimer there. :D
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