My Poem for this morning -- "Faith":

May 27, 2006 11:18

I put my Faith in you dear God,
I lay in wait that you will hear
My quiet fears and cleanse my silent tears ...

Until then I cannot rest, nor eat, or experience joy ...
And tranquil Peace is elusive and mysterious
As the invisible Air that surrounds me ...

And when I fear that you are Far,
I look out at the brilliant, mysterious Star
in the dark of the night that seems to beckon me ...

Then I sense the Light of this Star,
As brilliant and piercing as it is, it is only a little bleep
Compared to the Light emanating from YOU,
And touching my Heart!

So even in my darkest moments, the Dreams of Divinity
And dancing Angels full of wisdom and glorious colours of Creativity,
come to Rescue me ...

And cleanse my fears that plague me in the Daytime!

Thank you for Reminding Me, in the most elusive and
Sleep-filled moments when Rest is but an illusion, that Faith can
Conquer Fear every time ...

When One realizes that YOU are LOVE!!
And LOVE cannot be
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