Just gone 1am Wed morning.

Mar 15, 2006 01:06

Have had abdominal pains since early Fri morning. They have eased off greatly since Mon morning but are still at nuisance level. They may even have been different pains at different times, just all in the same general area.

My throat is trying to do dust bowl imitations and my stomach is offering mutinous suggestions but I can't get to the kitchen. My [as per usual] thoughtless/arrogant housemate/landlord has decided to invite [male] someone [friend/client/whatever - NOT bf] home for chat and coffee. Instead of taking them into the [relatively] tidy loungeroom, or even the dining room, he has sat them down at the messy/dirty kitchen table to commune with them there. In one fell swoop he has blocked off my access to the kitchen unless, at 1am, I choose to get dressed into something more appropriate to be seen in public in. and thus not embarrass either myself or [potentially] his guest. Yes - it is his house but my privacy is sacrosanct and if I thought that in anyway, having a guest at unusual hours would be inconvenient/inconsiderate to his privacy, I would remove both guest and myself to more private areas of the dwelling that would not impede upon his said privacy or access to 'public' areas of the house.

Yes - I'm being snippy but I'm sick of his thoughtlessness. The number of times I have opened my bedroom door to find the doors that separate our sections of the house open, thus allowing a view into my room from the front door [he has clients around at all times of the day and evening]. One does not always dress completely upon arising if one's first mission is a trip to the bathroom and whilst a bathrobe/dressing gown does cover all, it is not something one wishes the world to see.

This is just one more thing to 'make my day' this week. I've had a couple of phone calls with C'link about my income being slashed and things are still, at best, up in the air, at worst, confirmed that I need to live on $300 a f/night. Well, actually $65 a f/night after one deducts money for rent, elec, medication - and there was recent mention of my rent going up.

Not happy Janet!

dummy spit

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