Pool & Picnic Party 'Port

Feb 06, 2006 00:32

Having been asleep for most of the last two weeks [at least during daylight hours], I woke around midnight and got up to start doing all the chores that I had listed to do during last week [in preparation for the party].

I got the floors of my 'playroom' and bedroom cleared, which turned out to be a really good thing because after a failed 'mining' expedition under my bed, the floor was easily covered in pillows later in the afternoon to become a bed to two bubs [sequentially]. I was leery of the weather when it seemed it was going to stay overcast for some time but that just turned out to be extended morning greyness [got to do a load of laundry which was all good].

Having stated that said party would start around 11am [but not seriously expecting people then] was pleasantly surprised to have numerous [non-lj] peoples arrive [one of the smaller ones quickly disappeared into the pool and didn't really re-emerge until many hours later. The picnic ended up being inside and bodies all had bouts of swimmingness between bouts of sitting and chatting. Even a few hands of 'Tell me a Story' and UNO were played during these lazier times. The two younglings even went a round of chess - too much thinking involved for me by that time.

I was glad to see and hear all having/had a good time.

I think it was around 6ish went bodies disappeared for the day. I was mentally prepared for round 2 - the evening - so I cleared up from the day section. However, after putting all away, it was about 8ish and no sign of anyone showing for round 2. My body decided that it had had enough and suddenly it was like having post-viral-syndrome all over again. Every joint, half my bones and half my muscles all decided to start aching, big time so I crawled off to bed about 8:30ish.

I finally woke up about 3am this morning, still hobbling a bit from the aches and pains but feeling a lot better. My apologies to kriian, arthwollipot and yasutani for having been asleep when you got here. It had really been my intention to have a part 2 and see more of you but my body betrayed me this day. If it is any consolation, I shall probably be sleeping better now because I think a large part of my recent sleep patterns was due to the 'stress' of having the party.


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