Is it wrong...

Dec 05, 2005 20:30

to think that a guy washing his car with a hose and wasting loads of water, whether he has a rain tank or not, is being just plain arrogant? Is it wrong to think that approving of such peopel and excusing all like him is being arrogant?

When are people going to wake up to the fact that we live in one of the dryest continents in the world and that is not going to change, especially if people keep abusing its resources?

Why do people think that their little 'indiscretion' doesn't make a diffence? All of those little wrongs add up to one BIG wrong that everyone has to pay for - and then it is usually those that broke the rules that are the first to complain if they are put out.

Am I being 'arrogant' by hating arrogance and getting mad at arrogant people? I really wish I could afford to move right now because my landlord/housemate's arrogance is really starting to get up my nose.


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