Drying days

Jul 05, 2005 11:41

I think I pity those people that use a clothes dryer all the time to dry their wash. Apart from the damage they are doing to their clothes, they miss out on the simple pleasures that hanging out the laundry can bring to us, even on a winter's day.

For example, my sojourn out to the line today was met with a short seranade from a wee sparrow, followed by a chorus of warbling magpies. Even one of the normally silent chooks next door added to the music briefly. Whilst I very well may have to finish off drying my clothes in front of a heater tonight, they get the benefit of a sterilising sun and natural drying and I've had at least one opportunity today [and possibly a second when I bring the clothes back in] to listen to nature in her glory. How can anyone say that the drone of a clothes dryer is preferable to that?

[EDIT] Well, while the sun may still be out, it's gone from the backyard so the wash is in. About 90% dry isn't too bad for this time of year and the birds were still busy warbling. It sounded like the self-same maggies were still chattering away, this time chorused by some sulpher cresteds and I got a close fly-by by a pee-wee. Seems it may have been wanting some afternoon tea because one [make that two] has just landed in the backyard and is foraging away in the lawn. They have such a pretty face. Anyhoo, I'm off to see if I can pick up a bargain or two at the manchester sale at EPIC now.

bird observations

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