Oct 14, 2005 20:06
I remember an essay that I had to write for English my senior year. The Topic was "IF I could go back to the beggining of of Senior year, would I change anything?" I remember what I put. I said that I really wouldn't change anything, that I had made my mistakes for a reason and I had learned from them. But now that I look back, I now know that isn't true. I have many regrets from my senior year of high school. One of my biggest is that I messed up a relationship with one of my best friends. She stayed mad at me for the longest time. We are just now working things out. I missed out on a year of friendship with her, missed out on something that could have turned into something more. I've just recently just started talking to her again, and things are starting to get like they were again, well.....mabey not exactly like they were, but something better.
I messed that friendship up by staying in a relationship that lasted a hell of a lot longer than it should have. That is another regret that i have. And if I could I would go back and end it.
That relationship is really why my senior year was so miserable. I can trace most everything that went wrong back to that realtionship, and the person that I was in it with. She treated me like SHIT! She wasn't honest, She played me, She cheated on me, and she fucked up my whole senior year.
But you know what? Everything is good again. I am finally making everything right again. Its taken all this time, but I am doing it. My problem my first year of college, is that I dwelled on it, and that didn't make anything better, it just made things worse for me. I wasn't happy, and I didn't like my life at the time. But all that has changed, and now I am verry (notice the 2 R's) happy, and I love my life, and I am doing everything I can to keep it that way. I'm going stop "beating around the bush" and take a chance, and be glad that I did.