My babie was VERY bad.

Dec 15, 2009 01:50

My cat just SNUCK out between my legs as I walk in from work tonight. I see him of course and havn't ever had a problem with him just waltzing outside when I'm at the door... I even told him to back up and nuged him inside more with my foot, but no... as soon as I turn and grab the screen door to help it shut there he creeps. right out the door. so I naturally try to catch the little critter and am quite peeved at this point. He slides out of the porch gate~ish like thing and I grab the very beggin'n of his tail to stop him. which it naturally does. I'm not pulling on it, just holding it firm so he won't run again... unfourtunately I can't pull him up by his tail( i do refuse to do such a thing) nor can I reach through the gatethingy to get a better hold on him since now he plopped down onto his side since I have his tail. *sigh* so I yell at him to stay (yeah, right. he aint a dog) and I let go to hurridly get down and grab him. As soon as I stand up he Books it down across the yard into the neighbors as fast as his little legs could take him. Really, I'm not kidding. As if his little furry life depended on getting away from me and to gain his freedom. Well. now I'm a bit ticked. A little more than peeved or annoyed, yet not quite fully pissed. So I go inside and I'm bound NOT to let him stay out. esp. since tomorrow is a school day and God knows what'll happen to him out there with the monsters and damn traffic of my street. Well, flashlight in hand I march up into the other yard and there goes my light, flshed onto this cat spread across halfway up a tree. --| *sigh* He sees me but I'm close enouph to follow well by the time he gets off the tree (it appears he wasn't sure how to get the rest of the way up. silly thing) So now I'm rather close to him and he approaches the fence to the neighbors back yard. he's kinda trapped there crouched in the corner of the fence, and I'm thinking he's going to jump over the fence and then I'll loose him since I can't relly follow unless I jump it. and I'm not jumping a fence. no matter how little it is. hmph. But he doesn't. what he DOes do when I'm finally close enpouph to grap him... is look up at me and Hiss.

he Fu*|<*&@ HISSES at me. really cat?! honestly. not. ok. so I smack his but and tell him no getting a good hole on the back of his neck and start to carry him home. But no. he still continues to hiss, growl, and spittle up at me as I'm trying to carry him home. NOW I am pissed. buy the way. I started to get pissed when he first hissed at me. but then he didn't stop. Well, not till I got him inside. But hissing at me is not accepted so I didn't just let him go when we got home. nope. into the bathroom with him. and then he hissed again. Each time I'd smack him and firmly say no. but now that I'm really pissed, it's time for a bath.

Laz hissing at his mommie = bath. and being stuck in the bathroom till mommy forgives him/he's dry.

By the way, I couldn't find the kitty soap... so I esssentually just hosed him down. He didn't make a peep while I washed him, but as I was drying him he kept growling which is not acceptable. I don't know what's gotten into him. I even let him out into the pool area with me when I was dumping the rest of the salt into it between my shifts at work. *sigh* he was so happy and a great little kit then. --| he was even good when I got home and greeted me and everything. just ran out when I got back from taking out the trash. and started hissing at me... *sigh* I know it's not too good to give cat's a bath since they give themselves one, and the problem is if they catch a cold from it. but he shouldn't get cold. he's got a dry clean and warm towl on the floor with him as well as his water and cat litter where it usually is. he just gets no food till I let him out. so he'll servive. and it's warm out and really warm in the house, so he shouldn't get a cold or even get chilly. *sigh* I hope. --|

I can't believe he acted like that. I wounder what's up... we'll see if he continues to growl or hiss at me. he's never done it before unless Simone was right there and they were bothering each other. *shrug* I hope he's not sick...

anywho, sorry 'bout the rant... but hey. that's what this things for! <3
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