OK!! update time... -^^-

Oct 30, 2009 09:22

HHN 09 was a huge blast. Ah, "Holloween Horror Nights" 2009, for those who don't know ^~

they had good scare zones, and I was happy to notice they actually had more than usual, so we got to walk through all but one. -^_^- I was a happy kitty. Chucky, was of course brilliant. T-T I actually felt like I was being turned upside-down in the begining. I was walking across the plank just fine, untill I was about a foot from the end T-T Then I just fell grasping the bar... I think I took down the Mandy >< eep. I really wasn't about to let go of that bar thinking I was turning upside-down till Rostam and the other dude made it to the other side. He just turned and looked at me as if I was crazy... so mean T-T But seeing him across and on the same level as me, gave me the ability to move on. otherwise I think I would have been on that thing till they turned it off T-T ^^| Though I think the first one may have been my fave... that or the one we went B4 Chucky... I can't remember >< the wolfman one, was... well... it was alright. very interesting atmosphere but as the scare goes, not so much.

Bill and Ted's Exellent adventure... = best thing EVER. they make fun of alot of 2009 pop-culture things. that with the scare-zones were enouph to satisfy me paying 40$ for this -^^- I love how they said the truth about Edward... and when Rorchak came on I went fan-girlish and wanted to glomp him... then he ... well... kinda... ^^ er... flashed us. Oo| oh dear. it was really funny though. and they did the whole "on a boat" and "keyboard cat" think. I'm really glad Mandy showed me that earlier now ^^ cause I got all the stuff (ah, they also brought on the Star Trek peps and they were all "hip" and "new"... the stunners were set to "kick Ass" and became an MP3 player XDD ha ha ha)
I called some boys at work a "shyla buff" (sp???) and told them not to worry cause I was just being a "Tyra Banks" XD ha ha ha. none of them got it.

It was really fin in all the haunted houses we went to, I became Mandy's rock, and somehow Rostam became the rock for the other guy we went with(sorry dude, I know not Ur name -^^-) it was really amusing though. between Mandy freaking out for all of us, and the other guy screaming. I was so very humored -^^- he he he. we made fun of Rostam because I had to be his wife's horror "buddy" since he wouldn't XD

Over all it was a really good run. we saw nearly all of the houses, went through all but one of the scare-zones, rode the Simpsons, and I got the shot-glass for sissy. the only thing I was sad about was the fact I couldn't get my little IV-bloody mary drip bag TT Damn needing cash *sniffsniff*

other than that, life's been agravating. but now it's quite good. I have to remember to call dad/Mrs.linda today. as well as go to the gym, get out alot of money for the pool, run to the store, and go buy some shoes. I should really go bra/black shirt/jean shopping too. *sigh* I just don't wanna.

AH, and that sneaky Mandy!!! I refuse to get a facebook T-T and that's the only way the e-mail with the pics you sent me is going to allow me to see them -- *glare* no fair punk! >P
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