I've been meaning to do this...

Feb 21, 2009 13:44

Well, I havn't really been feeling up to actually sitting here and typing all that I have to update... well, I've got a bit for ya. let's give you the main points and a summery instead of the ten-page thing I actually should write...

*ahem* first of all, I have two rooms to rent. anyone interested? I have an Anthony interested in one room whom I'll probually be renting it out to. then I have a Clarissa expressing interest but no real plans for it, alot'll have to happen in order for it to actually go through. and then there's the Don that's really interested in it and wants to move in. (he's tiered of living by himself. silly boy's a bit of a social bug) Anywho, he won't be able to come till Augaust (the first of the month/end of July) since his lease is up in July and he'd either have to renew or move out by Aug. So that's a couple of months away so I'm going to be trying to have someone rent it for that long. Then I have an Eevit with interest in a room if she can get a job. but like Clarissa there's alot that'll have to happen before any actual action is taken. I really need to clean out those rooms too. I need to find out if Anthony's really moving in, when he plans on it, get the money, find out what room he'd like to use, and find out what he still wants in said room. Either way I've got major cleaning to do for both rooms. mainly the master bedroom. *shrug* but I just havn't had the time for anything lately.

Speaking of not having time for anything; here's the reason:
I've been having 54hours for the week. I had work on Friday night. Double Saterday. Double Sunday. Work Monday morning... and then Wed. morning. this week I already have rouphly 45hours and I still have work Wed.morning at seventhirty. T-T *sigh* And a bigwig (area/whatever manager/director) is comming in Wed. so EVERYTHING must be up to speck, with no gloves on line (damnit!) recapie cards OUT and in front of you, a damn Cutting GLOVE that we all despise and makes me cut my fingers more with it on than without. (honestly, I know where my fingers end and how long they are/where they are when I'm cutting. it's unnatural and I have more hand/fingers with the glove so I always end up mis-judging the damn distance. I HATE thos damn gloves! and they're all nasty too) *sigh* with an additional nothing can be more than a third filled (which is a bitch for howmany times you have to run back into the walk in to re-fill the damn thing because you can't have a full pan online. bastards) and so on and so forth (trust me. I have more to say on theses "specks" that jsut make our lives/jobs much harder and longer than nescasary)
Ah! speaking of work, las week there was some major drama! (and I'm not talking about my Communistic pothead walking out and getting fierd. that's another rant if I'm up for it. I can't believe the bitches fiered him for that when others have done that and worse with no concequences. garch) I'm talking about Willimson (sp??) and Granada being blocked off by the police and what was going on there. It was... Wed. morning or something I believe. (coulda' been Monday really. I'm not sure now.) Anywho, the STORY is that this suicidal lady was being chased since the day before on 95 and exited on Granada, hit traffic, turned around and got stuck. then pulled out a gun on cops and was shot by said cops. so she died. and they roped off that intersection and there was probually every cop for Ormand,daytona, and Holly hill there at the scene. *shrug* what we know for sure is that someone was running from the cops on 95, ended up in traffic of Granada and got shot dead. whether all the rest is true or not I don't know. and I don't have cable or anything so I really don't know if anything about it was on the news or whatnot and I'm way too lazy to try and look it up on the internet. so the only people we got for a good couple of hours that morning were the cops comming for lunch from the scene. <3 they were nice and alot of fun though. I was curious with the rest of the group and we went out to ask them some Q's. they didn't say much but what we know for sure is paraphrased from what they said. they said lunch was more important at the moment so we fed them -^^-

Ah, Mother bought me a membership to the gym! (well, Tony and mother really... it is from him too.) They go to Planet Fitness (the "judgment free jone" gratious I HATE those radio comercials. I hear them WAY too much at work) and the deal was they would buy it for me as long as I go two-three times a week. and I'm keeping up that deal. I was actually off work on THursday and went exercising. it felt so good. I did an hour on the bikes (didn't get off till the timer siad I've been going for 60 minutes) then rouphly and hour or so on the machines (mother would be so proud... I even did all the arm ones I hate doing. I'm so week on those) and then did fifteen more minutes on the bikes. My MP3 player ran out of juice then... so I left. the best thing is I brought my book so I read while I was on the bikes. it was so nice.
Speaking of that day... I felt so accomplished. I slept (yes, this was an accomplishment considering the time I've been putting in at work and not going to sleep when I got home) did my taxes, cleaned a little, bought the spiced rum I needed for the Bread pudding (and Bacardi 151 while I was at it) went exercising, and then after that I attacked mrs. Francis *hearts* I warned her Wed. that I may randomly attack her since the place is right near where she lives. so I did and we walked to Publix looking for girlscout cookies. didn't find any, but I got the heavycream, milk, and half+half for the bread pudding ( I almost forgot I needed those!) and some more blueberries and strawberries cause they were on sale and looked REALLY good. We got back and she made me a bread thingy that was good, and we had blueberries and that while we watched Monsterhouse. cute movie.
so I felt VERY accomplished and good. (sore while walking back from publix and carrying all those gallons of milk products, but good.)

hmmm... there was more to this post. but I've totally forgotten it now. I think I hit up most of the important notes. *shrug* but Wed. night's are still on for whoever wishes to come. I won't be home till later like last week (I work in the morning but hopefully I'll be out by five.. if not then seven) but don't worry since LB'll be here to intertain yall for me -^^- (whe's much better at it then I am)

narch. but I'm feeling really sore right now four days after my workout... but I'll be working out tonight with mother. I've been getting her to watch the amazing race with me. Tony got stuck walking in on the second episode. <3 I'm totally addicted to the thing. and I'm also addicted to Maylene Farmer (French singer-chick) and Lacuna Coil *hearts*

hmm... I smell my chicken. it's still got seventeen more minutes to go though T-T atleast. before it's done cooking. I"m so happy, I have a heart in this little one's gibblits -^^- a neck, liversthingy, lung, and heart I nearly cried with joy when I found that heart. <$> they're the best part! (and normally I get five livers and no heart T-T) So when I'm done with the chicken and cut up all the meat from the bone I'm gonna be working on making me some really nice chicken stock (and then eat the heart<3) -^^-
that and when the chicken's done I'm gonna be putting the the bread puddiong. but I don't remember what temp or how long it's suppose to be in there.. *sigh* I should see if I can find the recapie. *shrug* I think I was suppose to warm up the milk stuff before I added it to the bread... but I forgot. I also forgot I was suppose to crush some of the bread into crumbs so it'll be able to create a pasty thing that'll hold it all together. *shrug* ohwell. It's all soaking in the milkstuff and other things untill the chickn's done so it shoul dbe fine.
perhaps I'll have some to give those that come to game night ^~ I need to see if mother has more bread for me too. that's wounderful for pudd'n.


(AH!!!!! WATCHMEN COMES OUT 3/06!!!!!!!! T-T I NEED TO SEE IT. IT LOOKS SOOOO GOOOOOOOOD! and they appear to have the main points in the comic in the movie <3 T-T I can't wait so much I'm in tears)


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