
Jun 07, 2008 00:31

OK. So. yeah...

XD AH HA HA HA... I love Whoopie. Goldberge. the actress. her. -^^- she's hilarious. I'm in a sister act kick. 'm on hte 2nd movie. he he he.

ANYWHO... Now I forgot what I was going to update you on *shrug*

The situation with little miss, has gotten to the point she tends to get in the way with actually doing my work. which is a problem. So our lovely cook went to the managers about her and her ... habits. No. not me. I'm not one to go to the managers.(not when it's about other employees that is) I dont' really like confrontations. *sigh* But since it was something I wasn't likely to do it was good that he brought it up. But I was attacked  by my managers (the main two stayed while the others ducked out after the initial attack) and this ... boy. I'm always so fidgety when cornered by managers. Anywho... it appers she made some physical threats about beating me in the parking lot or such. news to me. *shrug* I never personally heard them and told them as much. But the kid said that he could sign a statement that he heard such threats if they needed. Bah. I told mother and Tony later when I had dinner with them that I wasn't worried. If she tried anything like that I'll let her throw the first punch and kick her ass XD Tony lauphed and said right answer -^^- he he he. (er... sidetracked there.) anyway Mr. Mick and Mrs. Diane was a bit upset that I never said anything about it to them. Mr. Mick (my GM) said he appreciated me ignoring it and trying not to cause any trouble. then chastised me for not helping the situation by not talking to them about it T-T eep. then he kinda-praised me by saying that I was always so polite and kind so he knew I wasn't instigating anything and that it had to be her. Oo. -><- and the fidgeting multiplies ^^| ehe... I do love my managers though. they take care of me -^^- *smilesmile* So now if anything happens I'm to go directly to them and neither confront her nor ignore it *sigh* which means she may loose her job if she doesn't kut't'out. I don't want to cost anyone thier job. *sigh*
well. that's life. er... work. close enouph.

nah, nothing here. ^^ single again. that lasted what... a couple weeks. wow. the shortest ever for me. hmmmm... especually since all me other relationships were over six months XD bah. it was fun and... hmmmm... educational *smile*
Angie's out of the dating game for a while again now. she's content to sit and not budge unless a caller comes again XD ah ha ha ha... I could try to actually meet someone to date... but I just don't care enouph ta ^^ *smile*

::Persuite of Happyness::
YAY no flees -^^- *SMILE!!* (well, almost) the flea populous in the house has gone down majorly, though I'm sure it'll still be a couple weeks till we entirely eradicate them all (since eggs can take that long to hatch). I'll just keep vacuming everything ever week. Clean all sheets and towels as well as sweep and mop at least once a week. *sigh* house work. joy.
METROCON next month -^^- ::fangirlSQUEEEEE:: Live Chess match!!! I've gotten back into Naruto fandom recently. Ah, and Saiyuki's final (I think) Reload volume should be out on the twelth of this month. as well as Clamps' last volume of chess pieces and book. (did I mention there was a Live HUMAN Chess match at Metrocon!?) if TP actually puts out like their schedual says *shrug* no gaurentees there. Ah, and I've been into Police Achedamy and WhoopieG movies lately too. I need more of her stuff. Hey, I'll watch Beverly Hill Cop -^^- I LOVE those movies! (ok, really doesn't have much to do with the forementiond stuff, but my  mind can connect the movies together, and they are all just that great!)

bah, gonna go and watch another movie now. I'm in a wierd mood too. Blarg. damn periods. I was bouncing all over the kitchen today at work. pulled a DirtyDouble *sigh too bad I can't seem to sleep lately. for the past three or four days I just can't get to sleep. when I do it's early morning (five or so) and the sleeps too broken and I'm awake by eight though I refuse to get out of bed. half of me is still asleep for a while though (either brain body or spirit. I can't tell wich T-T) untill I get out of bed. I wounder why I can't sleep. and why it started recently like this. Perhaps it has something to do with what I ate... or aren't eating. that or it's with my period. but what's wierd is I know around when it started and it really just came put of the blue. damn not sleeping. highly agravating that.

... wow. LB's not home yet Oo. it's 2:38am now. when did I start this? Ah, that's right. when I started the movie. silly me. well, I'm off to pop another movie in <3

ah, and...
Here, LB: I thinkU'd get a kick out'a this ^~
(warning: Yoai!! AKA... heavy malemale smut.)

... I hope LB's alright.

OH! that reminds me. CHilie's is curesd with car accidents. Since I started (Feb) ther have been five car accidents from employees at the Chilies I work at. T-T My JakE's all banged up and walking with a cane from the most receant of Chilie's CA's. Poor baby.

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