Nov 02, 2011 13:30
So I failed miserably at that whole "fic or treat" thing. Didn't realize how hard it would be to come up with drabbles for people that I don't know/don't know if they read my OTP. :| So, I'll try and see if I can come up with stuff late, but I don't know how well it's going to work out because I'm not a creative person.
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Comments 6
Writing for other people when you don't know their likes/dislikes well isn't easy, but that's not a reflection on your talent. It just means that you want to ensure the recipient likes what they're going to get and that's a reflection of your generous spirit. Don't get discouraged by the sweetness of your own heart, BB. ::smishes:: You can do it!
Relax, if you can't figure something out then you just can't. No worries!
So yeah. I should have asked for pairings and a one word prompt. I'm usually able to work with one word prompts for drabbles. heh. I just feel bad because this isn't the first time I've asked for comments/prompts and then not delivered. :/
;) Drabbles are awesome in their simplicity. When else did you do that? *can't remember*
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