Off to school...

Feb 16, 2011 09:25

...where I'm pretty sure I'm already behind after 2/3 weeks of class since I've missed two classes. >.< Mind you, I didn't have a choice but to miss them (I didn't have a ride home the first time and the second we just didn't have a car here at all). But it's one of the hardest classes I've taken if only because it's a foreign language. grrrr. Plus, the teacher signs differently than my last one, so I was already having difficulty understanding her before I missed out on 2 2-hr classes.


So, yeah. Fun.

It's times like these I wish even more that I had a job so that I could drop and not get ragged on by my parents. 'Cause an F looks so much worse than a W and I'm not seeing myself getting a good grade this semester.

what fuckery is this?, rl, randomness

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