Illness and Insanity (and Harry Potter obsessions)...

Nov 18, 2010 05:42

...seems to be what I'm experiencing right now. It's 5:29 AM... This is my day to sleep in and it's 5:30 AM. WTH?

I've been sick since... Friday? I think. My Dad was sick a little while ago, who got my older sister sick last week. I was doing great until my niece got Strep Throat (I have no idea how to spell that one) and I had to babysit her. I didn't get that, but I ended up with a cold. Thought I was doing better two days ago only to wake up with a sore throat.

Well, I think that's part of what my problem was this morning. I didn't take any Nyquil before I went to bed last night.

But I freakin' SCARED MYSELF AWAKE. Who does that?! I had started having a dream or something, but I was still half awake, right? Well, I started thinking about someone's house or something and how it must be haunted and how the people living there would never know it until it was too late... Then realized that I was laying down in my room, with the lights off, no tv on, and now I was worried about a possible ghost who might want to kill me. WTH?

So now, I'm on my laptop, waiting for the Nyquil I just took to kick in. With the TV on, as though that would help were a ghost to come and try and do something more than just fly another ball across my room. *rolls eyes at self* I haven't even seen Paranormal Activity 2 yet! I shouldn't be worried about that.

In other "news". Going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at midnight tonight. w00t! I'm crazy excited, even if my friend screwed up the ticket situation. Bestie fixed it and now we shouldn't have any issues. whew. So, yeah. I went to the midnight magic party for the book when it came out and how I get to see the movie. I'm so freakin' excited, man! The summer before the book came out, bestie and me came up with theories as to what would happen in the next one, who mystery ppl were, things like that. We ended up with 4 pages worth of theories, with every one of them being correct. So you can see how obsessed/excited I got about HP. (Not that different than my SPN obsession, I guess...)

So, that's everything for now... I'm gonna go read some fic until my eyelids get droopy. Then hopefully I'll be able to sleep until noon or sometime before I have to pick up my niece from school.

what fuckery is this?, rl, randomness

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