MSM fic update

Aug 22, 2010 02:34

Hey guys! I don't really know who of you will actually read this, but I wanted to put this out there for those who do.

Okay so, like an idiot, I signed up for spnslashbigbang and have been working on my fic for that the last couple of days. Because of this, I haven't gotten chapter 11's outline finished. I'm just giving any readers of Mystery Spot Misunderstanding a head's up that my next update will be delayed longer than I'd originally thought. But I will update, I promise. I already know what I plan to have happen. I just haven't gotten it written yet.

Also, I've got school starting on Monday. So that might slow me down a bit as well. Up to now, I've had pretty much nothing but free time. But that's about to change. And I'm still looking for a job, so my time might even lessen after that. But I will get that story finished sometime because I love it and I wouldn't have started posting it if I didn't plan on seeing it through to the end. I've just got to worry about my bigbang fic while my muse is still cooperating with me.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this made sense. lol

<3 wolfish willow

fic update, writing, fic: mystery spot misunderstanding, rl, fanfiction news

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