Title: Mystery Spot Misunderstanding
wolfish_willowPairing: Sam/Gabriel
Rating: PG-13 this part, NC-17 overall
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Spoilers: Anything up to and including 5.14
Warnings: unbeta-ed. (I know, I know... *headdesk*), hurt!Sam (sorry, I can't help but torture the boy)
Word Count: 1262
Disclaimer: Not my characters. Just using them for a
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Comments 22
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<3<3<3 Thanks so much for the great comment. I only wish I could have been cool enough to have made that possible...
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Thanks so much for the comment! <3<3<3
I don't know how I missed the first two chapters, but I just found this and it's so angsty and lovely and just makes me want to huggle the boys and yell at them both until they make up.
It was definitely nightmare!Gabriel created by Sammy's subconscious, even if Lucifer was the real deal, b/c Gabriel would never be so cruel to his Sam. ::nods::
I also wanted to give you a humendous thank you! Your plot device here reminded me of the fact that everything that's happened on the show has been recorded by Jesus/Chuck as books, and the first three seasons had been published. You just saved me from a serious amount of exposition in one of my fics!
In gratitude, I offer beta services. If you ever want me to beta something for you, just let me know and I'll PM you my e-mail address. ♥ Awesome fic so far!
Yes, poor Sam doesn't know how to deal with even more loss, and we know he'd already been susceptible to nightmares in the past... Though you know Lucifer is evil and loves to use Sam's weaknesses to his advantage. *shakes fist at Lu*
I'm glad I could be useful to you. ^-^ I love it when I'm helpful, even when I don't realize I'm being such at the time. :D:D:D
Thanks so much for the awesome comment! I'll definitely take you up on your offer when I've got more to post. <3<3<3
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