Title: Mystery Spot Misunderstanding
wolfish_willowPairing: Sam/Gabriel
Rating: PG-13 this chapter (NC-17 overall)
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Spoilers: Anything up to and including 5.14
Warnings: unbeta-ed. (I know, I know... *headdesk*)
Word Count: 2300
Disclaimer: Not my characters. Just using them for a bit of fun. They belong to Kripke.
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Comments 19
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I think Sam would appreciate that hug. ;D
I'm so glad you like this story! I'm so ecstatic about that, you have no idea. <3 I've got the next bit written, just gotta flesh it out a bit. So hopefully the wait won't be so this time around. :D
Thanks so much for the awesome comment. <3<3
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait.I'm looking forward to more delicious angst between Sam and Gabriel before the whole misunderstanding clears out.(there's going to be a happyend, right?):D
Love your work.
Yesh, there shall be more angst. It's working out a bit differently than I'd intended, but hopefully it still works. :D Of course there will be a happy ending. I couldn't destroy the boys completely, it would make me sad.
Thanks so much for the amazing comment. You put a smile on my face. :D:D:D
I'm so happy you have another chapter up. I'm feeling so sorry for Sam and Gabe, and I cannot wait to see where this is going.
::hugs:: This is awesome
Yeah, I hadn't realized it'd been so long since I updated. I promise to try and post quicker this time around. ;D
I just need to work on one of the later chapters and edit chapter 3, then I can update.
Thanks so much for the awesome comment! <3<3
P.S. I'm new to this pairing but you write it ever so well. You are mad brilliant.
Thanks for the amazing comment! <3<3<3
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