We have upgraded!

Dec 26, 2006 16:51

Basically I went in Halvesies with his step mom and got him an XBOX 360. Both because our old XBOX is about dead..and because I know he really wants one. Or should I say wanted. Ryan, on the other hand, got me a Nintendo DS Lite with Nintendogs Daschound and Friends..or howoever you spell that. o.O; The reason being... I've always wanted a Huskey..and that edition of Nintendogs just happens to contain siberian huskies. ^.^ So for about a fifth of the price of a real one.. i have a huskey, hehe... Ryan unfortunately has no games for the 360.. I figured his step mom might get him one since she knew he had a 360 now..and because a few games were on his list...but no, she didn't. So now we wait for a couple games to arrive in the mail from GameFly... Anywho, got laundry to finish. Tata!
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