Life decides to just kick me a little

Aug 31, 2005 08:08

Many things have happened, but getting my brain back is not one of them. I'm still waking up at 4:00am because my body is accommodating like that. It's great when you have to be up at 4:00am because your head isn't filled with wet packing peanuts and you can safely operate a vehicle without nodding off, but it sucks when you want to go back to sleeping through most of the night. Not that I ever sleep through the whole night anymore. Haven't done that since 1999.

The bugger is, I will need my brain's talent of sparking instantly awake any time of the night tomorrow. No, I'm not subbing again, or I should say, I'm not just subbing again. I am being subcontracted.

Last week M called, back from her whirlwind tour of places I will most likely never see. She had decided she hates getting up at 4:00am on days when she has to work 12 hours at her other job. I don't blame her. So, would I want to do those days for her? At first I thought NOOOOOOoooooooo. Can't go back, can't do this forever, can't, can't, won't. Then, I calculated how much she would pay me and realized that for roughly 6 hours work, I could make what I was making at present job all week. And, I don't have to be on my feet on a cement floor for hours on end either. Oh, all right, YES! My car will bear the brunt of the hard labor, but I have the sneaky suspicion that my beloved tin of crap I call my ride will be dead soon anyway. So, how else to pay for a new one?

Now, I needed to find another job I could do the other three days of the week. I've decided that getting up at 4:00am entitles me to not work the rest of the damn day, thank you. Plus, I have recently found out my current place of employment isn't going to outlast my car. They are hoping to be around until first of next year, then they are splitting. Gone. Closed. So, everyone has been giving their notices like rats off a sinking ship, and rightly so. Most of us really need what paltry income we make.

Hubby suggested a new local business that relies on some of my past experience, so I checked it out. Very nice, new place, very polite people. I called them back while on break at current job (cause I'm nasty that way) and they gave me the three days I needed. Huzzah! I can't do better than this, right now. Given my limitations concerning miles and hours away from Boy, this is perfect. Meant to be. Scary, isn't it? They have a lot going for them: carpeting, air conditioning that's decent and chaaaaairs. I covet jobs with chairs now. It's a bad foot thing.

Tomorrow, I am going to be in hell. I have to work new subcontracting job, plus last two days at current job. My feet will be screaming, but with sufficient medication and lack of sleep, I'm hoping most of the pain signals will never reach my cortex.

Life has to get it's licks in, though, and this morning my faucets are spewing brown grit. If Katrina had come this far north, I would blame that, but I suspect it has something to do with my damn fickle pipes. This place has the plumbing of an 80 year old flop house. Everything is falling apart and I have not a lot of funds with which to fix it. As Hub was leaving for work, he says "Good thing you'll be making a bit more money." Yeah, those dreams of paying off debt didn't last long, did they? Well, I'll just have to buck up and watch my bootleg DVDs to entertain myself.

What does this all mean? Well, aside from having to work this Sunday, I will no longer be at the Palace of Rock Hard Flooring and Bad Backs, Knees, Etc. I will most probably never know what happens to Psycho Boy and coworker, which may or may be a Good Thing in the the Long Run. I'm going to miss the other gals I work with, they have quickly become like family. So much so that some of them drive me nuts, just like family. I will miss the place once it does close, it's been there for as long as I have lived here. The only thing that will kiss it and make it better? If the Landlord gets a Borders to come in. Or hell, any book/music/movie store to come in. I'm not overly picky, really, but I do loves me some Chai Tea!

Am squeeing because Borders is coming to more accessible Mall. Sweet! Or not, considering my financial distresses. Have I mentioned I need a new roof? Yeah, those bits of black gritty things on the porch turned out to be my roof.

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