Anime Expo - Very Important Information

Jun 10, 2010 12:19

Guys, I figured I'd pass this one on. This is important to all the crew going to Anime Expo, from anyone trying to get into the Dealer's Hall, Artist's Alley, or even the Masquerade.

I consider the person who sent this information to me to be very well-informed, considering how things have been working out I have a feeling this isn't just a prank.

As it's said in the main body of this note, keep an eye out for any information posted by the Anime News Network, just to be sure.

AnjiDaDistroyer said the following:

Hey guys, I wanted to forward a note I got from lafhaha to you guys just so some of us know what's down in the AX dealer's room this year. Send this to others if you would like. Get the word out there.

lafhaha said the following:

Hey, hon.

You can choose to do with this information what you will. I'm sure you know more people in Artist Alley than I do, I just want to get the word out to you guys because it is definitely not being published by AX and it is no where in the contract to read. (They won't even furnish a *complete* move-in price schedule to DEALERS!)

I don't know if you are planning to do Expo this year, but I would approach with extreme caution. I have heard multiple rumors that AA will be charged for move-in - possibly to the tune of $230-700 for move in and out PER PERSON. Each seller has to EACH have a CA seller's permit and (likely) insurance. You cannot bring merch into the room without paying for the union unless you can carry it on your back in a backpack of a certain measurement and/or weight. No wheeled suitcases. You cannot carry anything in your arms. I believe Anime News Network is preparing to do a large article on this entire debacle so you can watch out for that if you need further proof. I am one among many that are now in contact with the Editor about the AX issue. I'm trying to get the word out to all my friends and people I know in AA and the dealer's room. This year is probably going to tank in a big way. Not only are they raising the price of at the door admissions (it's now **$85** instead of last year's $70. It has gone up by $5 each of the past 4 years, but $15 is a bit steep considering we are in a recession and California is flat ass bankrupt! If you are familiar with other convention prices, Otakon is roughly $75 this year at the door, and San Diego Comic Con, (who pulls a legitimate 100K people every year)is something around $100 for a weekend badge. I can't get the correct figs this year for them because they are completely sold out and pulled their badge prices offline. Last year it was $75 for a 4 day badge.) Other changes of note: they are charging for the Masquerade (this information is from the editor of Anime News Network). So cosplayers will get hit as well if they want to participate in that. All translators for guests have been cancelled (also ANN source). You think last year's drama with the guests was bad? Just wait.

What does all this mean? When kids show up at your tables in AA they will have nothing to spend, because they used it all to get in the door and to spend on admission to events and programs that were formerly free for all attendees. The Exhibit Hall is dropping dealers like flies because they are posturing themselves to charge us multiple thousands of dollars for move-in and out. For example, $56 per 250lbs in product weight alone, and for some of the lighter dealers (IE no books or heavy stuff like manga) that can amount to $2000+ just to get in the door and back out when the show is over. That doesn't include booth prices which have also gone up towards $900+ a table this year. Also of note is the steady decline in attendance of this convention since they planted roots at the abysmal LACC two years ago. I don't care what AX publishes through their PR company. Anyone with eyes and half a brain can see that there were not 45K bodies there last year, nor the year before. They are skewing their attendance blatantly, likely counting a single person holding a 4-day badge as 4 SEPARATE BODIES in attendance. I won't even get into the condescending and rude manner with which they have treated all exhibitors this year.

Anyway, please, be careful. If you come, be prepared for these issues, and keep in mind the costs of attending and the very real possibility that any profits that aren't stripped from YOUR body just to get in the door will be stripped from your customers when THEY get in the door. I'm still deciding if I'm going to attend this year. Unless things change, which is likely they will not, I will not be going. The Exhibitor liaison just emailed "newly negotiated savings and rate scales" to dealers last night and they were more expensive than what they had before. LOL. Two major booth dealers just dropped out of the list in the first hour after that email and several are talking to CA lawyers about the very real possibility of fraud and a bait and switch scheme on the part of the SPJA, GES, and IDG Expo.

Take Care,


anime expo

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