Mar 19, 2009 17:28
So I didn't just have the sniffles last night. Today my temperature shot up to 99.5! A++, me. It's either the sinus-itis from allergies, or I've caught whatever the heck my nephew brought home with him from daycare. This is what I get for sleeping over at my sibling's house after their chibi caught the plague. |D
So I've been keeping my achy self contained to my room and reading Trinity Blood. I'm almost done with the third novel, then I can get back to the manga~ ♥
Also the big heavy-duty helicopters just flew overhead. I think I just had a nerdy moment inside. *eeee~ ♥*
Pretty soon the super big airplane will be taking off, and I'll step outside to watch that one too.
Ugh, I need to get back on tags, but I'm so braindead I can't think straight enough for Ammy, much less the crazy!Aerith. ;; 3 ;;
argh my life