Agent Selphie reporting for duty!

Jul 05, 2008 21:03

.....Selphie was very unhappy that there was a lack of h0t boy cosplayers. BUT. There were some definite upswings. Like the surprise FF8 cosplay gathering that I didn't know about until I found a Quisty and Edea and got their pics (which turned out so blurry it made chibi ziri cry). And while my outfit was more Kingdom Hearts/Destiny's Island than FF8, I didn't care. 83

First of all, pics.

Since I knew I wasn't going to be canon!Selphie, I made this badge to compensate
my lack of yellow dress. It has sparklies. ♥

This is Ziri. This is Ziri trying not to go blind.
While somehow managing a super-Selphie pose.

Chubby ziri is chubby, yes. Moving on.

This is the plotting pose. Yeeeessssss.

That pose looks much better in the videogame.

Joyful pose of joyness!

And then after a trainride (on which I did not sing the train song), the missions began. Upon being released into the wild exhibitors hall, Selphie ran across Quisty and Matron.

These two are sisters! And I am so so sad that my camera decided to hate me. ;; ^ ;;

They told me about the FF8 gathering and it was then decided that I had to get there. Because really. Potential awesome was to be found. More poking around the exhibitors hall found us an Irvine who was roaming around with one Tifa Lockhart (oh Selphie, watch out!).

Tru fax: Irvine is tiny compared to the Ziri. = ~ =;;

So after confirming the time and place of the gathering with Irvy, Selphie set off to wander the halls for an hour and a half before heading to the site. Final character count was one Quisty, one Irvine, an Edea, TWO Sir Lagunas (one of which who brought his Raine with him), three Selphies (including Ziri!Selphie) five to seven Rinoas depending on their rotation, the entire Disciplinary Committee, and three Squalls (Angry Squall, Apathetic Squall, and Happy Squall). No Zells. Selphie was sadface. ;; ^ ;;

It was a unanimous vote to move the whole gathering inside, so we all formed our party lines and trooped inside, picking up new members as we marched. Also the leader of Selphie's line (Apathetic Squall) was kicked out for being a poor navigator and was replaced with Happy Squall. The march continued.

We ended up with a spot that was really awesome for pictures! The lighting was good (although this did not save me from my camera goofing up when people were backlit), didn't make us squint like we were blind, and the air conditioning was A++++. There was also about a half hour of photos, of which the other Selphies didn't seem to get in on (they made me the sole representative?! What were they thinking???), and I got no copies. (;; ^ ;;) They will probably show up on the cosplay websites. If someone finds them, please let me know~? I want to see~! D:

That being said, Selphie-chu busted out the cameras and got to work.

Can I just say Seifer was huge? Kthx. Also? FUJIN AND RAIJIN. YEEE~AH!

Apathetic!Squall giving his Rinoa a piggyback ride~, awwwww~

Ze eternal battle begins! Angry!Squall vs Seifer! Who will win???

Physical attacks were ineffective! Switching to magic attacks!
I hope you have your Elem-Def stats junctioned, kids!

The Balamb Garden disciplinary committee is all accounted for!

Angry!Squall was defeated, Happy!Squall steps in to finish the job!

What will become of our fearless leader?!

Can't keep a good guy down, I suppose!

Random!Cloud is random! But we took his picture anyway!

A Rinoa teaching her Squall the waltz. Because he actually didn't know the dance!
This was amusing because they had rigged a sound system playing the music from the dance scene.

He's learning! ...sort of. 83;;;

Quisty's so pretty~, and apparently moonlights as a bellydancer!

Angry!Squall and his harem of Rinoas!

So...many...Rinoas.... o ~ o;;;;

I had to bend down to keep from being tallest. In a lot of the photos. THIS WAS WEIRD.

This is ziri almost falling. 8D

Selphie and the Fearless Leader!

I am regretting not getting a picture of Rinoa standing between Squall and Seifer pondering which one to take (I thought I took one!).
So have an obligatory SeiferRinoa pic.

Twins~! 8D

These two were so cute~! ;; 3 ;;

There was a lot of asking Selphie to sing the train song (Rinoa was a big advocate of this, while all the Squalls begged to be spared). Selphie was on the side of the Squalls, so she didn't want to as she'd done it earlier anyway. But she did attempt jumproping when asked. ...and came close to tangling herself in the rope and falling on her face. |D;;;; And then Rinoa asked to try. :3

She's much better at this than I am. XD

This was Rinoa's idea! She wanted to do a picture of all of us jumping.
It was a lot of fun, even if I do look dumb. XD


This one was a photographer's idea; the boyband shot. Seifer had to be convinced to join.
Then when told it was a boyband shot, he was like "how the heck am I supposed to pose for that?"
It was so funny, but so Seifer. He gets Selphie loves.

Rinoa's idea: The girl version of the boyband shot. SAILOR SCOUTS.
Guess who's pretending to be which scout by their gestures!

This was so much fun. I am not even joking.

Selphie is the pretty pretty princess~!
I don't remember if I put the chakram on my head or if Fuu did. XD

Yeah, you wish you were as awesome as us. 83

This was my idea. Caramelldansen is so something Selphie would do, don't even lie.

This is really hard without the music, but still fun.
Fujin is awesome for dancing with me~ ♥

Rinoa sandwich!

Another Ziri request. BATTLE STANCES.
I really wanted to do Selphie's fight pose~ ;; 3 ;;

This was super yay and geeky. So worth it. Xd

I don't know what this pose is from, the promo poster?
Laguna looks confused, I think.

Laguna gets the love.

ded!Selphie is ded.


Load Save

ded!Selphie pics were taken by Jazzy~

You should've seen the looks on their faces when I told them I had this list.
The looks of amused horror were hilarious.

And that's all the FF8 pics~! Come back tomorrow for more AX updates!

photo spam, selphie, anime expo, badge love, ff8, cosplay, convention report, final fantasy

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