Title: Can't Break The Heroes
Rating: Torture involved.
Series: Final Fantasy VIII
Characters: Seifer, Squall, the warden, ????
Summary: Squall is rescued by the most unlikely heroes after being tortured
Notes: GENDERBENT FF8. Also Spoilers for the Prison, depending on what you choose to say or not say.
"What's the secret behind SeeD?" Seifer's voice was sharp, the sound of her heels on the metal floor panels a sharp percussion that stabbed through Squall's head like a knife. Her head hung as all of her muscles went limp, her shoulders screaming in pain and her wrists and ankles aching from the binds.
"Wh-what are you talking about?" She was panting for air, her lips chapped and bleeding, and her voice came out husky like she'd been screaming. "Seifer...you know what SeeD is."
"No I don't." Seifer snapped around, her coat whipping around her leather-clad calves like a cape. "I never graduated thanks to that idiot headmaster. There must be a secret, and you're going to tell me." She marched over, a mad gleam in her eyes that Squall hadn't seen before. She was scared, but more confused than anything. Seifer gripped her chin in a gloved hand, squeezing her jaw hard enough to hurt, the leather smooth against her skin.
"What's the purpose of SeeD? Why do they defy the sorcerer?" From this close, Seifer's eyes looked like they were glowing, the orange-tinted lights from the nearby console giving them a hellish spark in the blue depths. Squall swallowed hard, her mouth dry. She was exhausted, she desperately wanted something to drink, and she had no idea what sort of answer Seifer was looking for.
Seifer's expression shifted to disgust, and she shoved away, flinging an arm out to point at the warden. "You! Drag the answer out of her! I want the information even if it kills her!"
With that, Seifer stormed out of the room, the white of her cloak stained an ugly shade of orange, and her steps full of confidence, as always. Squall was almost relieved to see her go. This new Seifer...she wasn't sure what to make of her. Something about her behaviour was all wrong. But when the warden stepped up, his leer made a part of Squall want to call out for Seifer to come back. She didn't like the look he was giving her at all.
"You heard her, now, you're gonna tell me everything you know, little girl." His teeth caught the light, and Squall felt a muscle in her jaw tense.
"I don't know anything, so just--" Her words were cut off as a horrible pain coursed through her, her body arching off the metal plate she was mounted on as the warden flipped a switch. The indescribable pain of the electric current being pumped through her was mind-numbing, her stuttering screams filling the room as her eyes rolled up into her head. Then it jerked to a stop, and Squall felt her knees give. The only thing keeping her upright was the bindings that held her wrists.
"Wrong answer. What's the purpose of Seed?" His tone was harsh and unforgiving, and Squall fought to stay coherent, her vision blurring and the taste of blood filling her mouth as her nose bled. A thick rope of saliva dangled from her split lip as her head hung, but she was thinking too hard to care. The thoughts were vague, incoherent, but she knew she had to say something, anything to keep him from doing that to her again.
Should she lie? She had no knowledge of any secret missions or 'true purposes' of SeeD. They were mercenaries. That was it. They were elite forces. Their skills sold to the highest bidder. What the hell were they going on about? Something about spreading flowers everywhere to cultivate peace flickered through her mind, but she disregarded it. Yes, she wanted to live, but the mission was important, and she didn't have any real answers. Besides, it was her duty to give her life for the Garden, and for her team. If they wanted answers, well to hell with them, then. She'd die before she told them anything.
"Hey..." Squall swallowed hard, licking her lips and looking up at the warden through thick lashes. Her body felt so heavy, her eyes were hooded and dark, but there was a defiant quirk to the corner of her bruised lips.
"What was that?" The warden glared at her, but Squall was slipping into a place beyond where he could touch her.
"Come over here..." Her voice was a rough whisper, her eyes hidden behind her frazzled bangs, the electricity frizzing the once-soft locks. When the warden was close enough, she leaned out, and she watched blood fleck his cheek as she spoke.
"Your breath....stinks." She would've laughed if he hadn't yelled in outrage and flipped the switch again. This time the darkness slammed in around her and Squall fell into its cool embrace, the distant sounds of a young woman yelling in pain like the soft murmur of the sea.
It was a long time later, or maybe no time at all when she heard the warden yelling again, telling someone to deal with something. She wasn't sure, and she didn't really care. But she definitely heard something unlock, and a pain that might've been hers but felt like it was someone else's eased and she fell forward into outstretched arms. They laid her out on a cool surface, the chill kiss of metal soothing against her cheek. It was very nice, and Squall didn't really feel like moving.
Then a rough, wet tongue licked her face, and Squall flinched. It came again and again, lapping up the sweat and blood off her chin and nose, and she weakly raised a hand to fend off whatever it was.
"Laguna!" It was a chirp, almost a trill, a voice that sounded like the word was foreign to it, but it worked hard to sound out the syllables. Then it came again, in a growing chorus. "Laguna! Laguna!"
Gentle hands touched her face, patting a cheek, then something bumped against her, soft and furry, like a cat. Squall wasn't much of an animal person, but the bumping interspersed with insistent licking was beginning to bother her.
"Stop it." Her voice was raw, and her limbs weak as she tried to push whatever it was off, cracking open one eye only to come face to face with...she had no idea what it was. But it watched her with big, wet eyes that were filled with concern, the worried expression it wore almost comical. It looked like a lion, but stood upright and as tall as a child, and its mane stood straight out in the back in a huge splash of red. Then it shook her, its giant paws--those claws could easily kill anything if it got mad enough--pressed to her chest, and she watched as it screwed up its face in concentration to voice the word again.
Its call was answered by a half dozen other voices, and Squall had to lift her head up to see more of the creatures crowded around the door.
"Laguna? What--" Squall didn't get an answer, but was lifted to her feet by two of the animals, both of them taking her hands and trying to guide her to the door, another joining them to push her from behind.
"Laguna!" The others lifted their forepaws into the air with the cry, and Squall stopped trying to question it. It was clear they meant no harm to her, and from the looks of it, they were trying to help her escape. Well, as the saying went, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, whatever that meant. So she let them lead her away, stumbling over her own feet as her body tried to recover its senses from the electrocution. She just hoped they wouldn't lead her into more trouble from here.
Yessss, I genderbend them for fun. It's my new addiction.