Trying to stay awake for another eleven minutes. WE'LL SEE HOW WELL THAT GOES. 8D
HOI IRIS. i has jrock jgawth limited edition CDs with silvery scribbles on booklet. Woots.
And now we cut to photo spam. In which there is (taken)h0t men, blurry crap, and a Ziri who will eat your babies and devour your soul.
And we start it off with a Zac.
Zac looking rad in his wig gawth threads.
p.s. - I did his nails with my own nailpolish ♥
WARNING: there is a high chance I may suck out your soul with my stare.
Just so you know. :>
Justin's friend, protesting the camera presence.
I LOVE J-ROCK CONCERTS. It's like Anime-Expo all over again ♥
She had one of the cutest outfits. :>
Moar line party photos.
Even moar line party photos.
Teh d00ds.
And I'm just happy to be there! :D
Zac felt it was necessary that my socks get some representation.
This one has a funny story. Zac and I were checking him out, then he told me
I should go over and take a picture of him. Little did I know Zac had Ulterior Motives.
Unfortunately, this guy was there with teh girlfriend. No luck for Ziri (or the Zac). :<
The clothes are so cute~! ;; ^ ;;
Teh Ziri is eatin ur babies.
We don't cause trouble, honest!
Ziri only devours souls on days ending with 'y'!
Zac is just there to look pretty.
I actually really, really like this picture. = ~ =
And Zac's the only one really dressed for the occasion (of course!)
I thought they looked rather cute!
Little did I know what they'd be doing later...
Spotted him because Gloomy Bear = ♥♥♥
Took photo because t-shirt and I thought he was kinda cute.
More on him later.
Unfortunately due to my camera and I being in a fight in low-light areas, you can't see the awesome that was the DJ.
I loved him. I wanted to bring him home with me. Or buy a bunch of mix CDs from him.
...but I couldn't do any of them. ;; ^ ;;
Unfortunately, my skills at holding up the camera as high as I can
and snapping shots is still a little faulty.
Justin's friend tried to help me by changing my camera's settings to adjust for night shots.
The problem was the camera now had to be perfectly still, have a perfectly still target,
then had a delay of at least two seconds before it shot if it shot the picture at all.
Which of course means that everything from here on out is going to be blurry as hell. ;; ^ ;;
But I'll post them anyway.
And on your left, we have a Zac Fantastic!
Turns out dude-with-leopard-print-cowboy-hat is the vocalist for the first band!
Ziri Crits: I had a couple things to say about these guys. I don't remember what their band name is, which might be a good thing. BUT. While I liked the guitars and the bass, I found their songs really, really, really repetitive (if you have to repeat four lines of a song six times...), and the vocalist didn't sing so much as he talked-sang. And his voice had this almost nasal monotone droning to it. I was really disappointed.
That and those catgirls from earlier? They got on stage, removed skirts/shirts, and generally either sorta-danced, made out with each other, or groped the vocalist/each other.
Go-go catgirls making out mostly nekkid does not a band make.
But anyway, with that out of my system, on to the rest of the photos.
What's kinda amusing is this girl came over and asked me if I raved. When I said no,
she asked me if I wanted to go to one, then she laughed and said she could tell when I said yes.
It was amusing at the time. XD
These guys, on the other hand, were awesome. This was The Last Dance.
They played like, twenty songs. None of us were sure why they kept playing, but we didn't complain. XD
That and the vocalist was hilarious, he had this ongoing banter between all the songs.
And the lead vocalist came down and wandered through the crowd while he was singing.
Justin's friend got up close and almost got a picture if this person hadn't stepped
in the way at the last moment. ;; ^ ;;
At least I got one decent-ish shot though, right?
These two were really, really cute (and very good dancers!)
It turns out one of the members of BLOOD was really, really sick and he couldn't make it to the show,
so they had someone jump in to take over the keyboard. ;; ^ ;;
What was really bad was I'd gotten really worked up and was dancing throughout Last Dance's neverending set,
so by the time BLOOD came on (which was around 11pm, when it started at 8:30), I was exhausted. ;; ^ ;;
And they did a lot of crowd interactive stuff. I was kinda irked that when the vocalist sorta fell forward into the crowd,
the fanthings at the front would hold him up for a little and then put him back on stage.
Those bastards. >:[ *was totally near the back*
I wish I'd gotten a better photo of them on stage. ;; ^ ;;
BLOOD signing teh Ziri's CD.
In the line for parking validation. Which turns out they needed cash. And I'd been the only one with money all night.
Which ended up getting the last of it spent on the CD, so Justin and his friend had to do a quick ATM run. > >
I have no idea what I was doing here.
Or what Justin was talking about.
Taking off the 21+ wristband.
Tired Ziri is tiiiiiired.
And now I must crawl off to bed like a good zombie. Ziri out. (\= ^ =