Jul 08, 2007 09:06
My AX trip started a lot earlier than everyone else's, and you have no idea how thankful I am that I'm a local after all the drama was over. Honestly, I don't think I could deal with this if it was a long-distance event.
Thursday - Day started around 7:30 am. Helped set up the booth, spent all day setting up the booth. Wished dad was there, because I was supposed to be standing in line for registration. Ended up escaping near 2pm, noticed that the line had just started moving inside as I passed the head of it. Got spotted by the Scary People. Did the mile walk to the back of the line and still somehow managed to be over with the whole process by 3:30. Ended up having to wait for two hours for people to come pick me up, but at least I had badges for both myself and Zac.
Friday - Spent the morning in a panic over the gift badges, proceeded to panic all the way to dropping them off. The infamous S.K.I.N. line. Nearly had camera confiscated, but I was too awesome for them. Made friends with Joselyn, met up with Kels and Sarra. Funtimes and gaijin-style rocking out was had. (more in-depth post to be following) Escaped and was left meeping in the corridor because parents had left WITH MY PHONE (battery had died), and Zac and co. were nowhere to be found. Was very sad when Zac finally found me at the fountain. But Zac got me the My Little Pony giraffe and a pair of sparkly cat-ears, so I'm cool.
Saturday - Had phone. Was very adamant about having phone. Was also dressed as Zetsu, and got lots of photos taken of me with friends. Also got some random photos with other cosplayers, made me feel special. Saw my cousin (!!!!!), who was dressed as a White Mage. Cousin earns Super Points for random awesomeness. Hung out with new friends in the PoT crowd. Lol'd at people who didn't realize Zac was a TRAP. Tried to convince Justin and co that Zac made a very convincing Laura Croft, but they didn't believe me. Attempted to find Go-chan and co.
Sunday - Decided not to put on Zetsu's face-paint again, as it was a pain in the butt and got all over my clothes. And the wig was uncomfortable. So was j-rock neko!Ziri instead. Found out we got moved next to the Bandai booth and just behind the furry prosthetics/accessories booth. Got S.K.I.N. swag for Iris and mooched monies for S.K.I.N. shirt. Saw lots and lots of cosplay, got even more photos. Had funtimes with PoT crowd. Got random floor tickets for OreSkaBand!!! Zac was not allowed in concert hall due to Cosplay Dramas. Ended up calling lots of people to find someone who'd go with me. No luck with phone, hunted down Kels and Sarra, kidnapped Sarra. Proceeded to have Funtimes at the OreSkaBand concert, and converted Sarra to the awesome that is Japanese Ska. Or at least the adorableness that is Oreskaband. Learned how to do the Japanese hand dances. They're ridiculously hard! Was too poor to buy OreSkaBand swag. Went back to booth and chilled (my arms were going to FALL OFF). Went to the BEACH!!!! Funtimes were had at food places. Tried to help make a dribble castle. Made a very, very big moat. Took ridiculous amount of photos.
Monday - Was rainbow!rockabilly Ziri like at J-Rock Rev. Had snitched money from D*land pass fund to buy well-deserved swag. Got another pony (Kimono~!), who came with charm. Bought cell-phone charms for Inui, because she was short of cash. Squeeed when someone (Inui? memory's fuzzy by now) got me jounin!Neji plush. Carried him around and made sadface noises when people tried to take him away. No luck on last-day sales due to crappy sales during rest of con. Until I found Z-Toys' booth when Justin shanghaied me. Got Tsunade and Neji cell phone charms. Held down the fort until Zac came back with monies. Squeed some more when Zac dished out $60 for the swimsuit figurine set for me. Also went through most of a random!box Shippuuden figurine set with Justin. Made awesome haul. Got all the characters I wanted save for Naruto. More funtimes and hangouts with Kels and Sarra.
Tuesday - Was late to D*land. Didn't get there until around 12:30 thanks to various errands that needed to be run, and was dropped off by Zac, as he had to get his oil changed. Took a while to meet up with Go-chan and co. Zac didn't get back to the team until near 3:45. Left the park early, got to the parking structure just in time for the fireworks to start. Watched fireworks, then we all headed out.
anime expo,
convention report,