Can't sleep, despite the fact that I actually tried to go to bed at 11:30, and I have one of my headaches of doom. Funtimes. So in light of that, I'm going to try to write a bit and see if a) the medication for the headache kicks in, or b) I can actually fall asleep. And I'll make random and somewhat disturbing noises, so feel free to skip to the it's not sex yet but I'm working on it fic.
Insomnia and headaches makes for zombie ziris with need for devouring of brains. I make. No Sense. But that's okay. Whatever. Loligoth time it is, because Sakura is awake and she wants sex. At three in the morning.
And my head feels like it's trying to explode through my spinal column. It's rather painful. SMUT NOW, YES? On to the ficcing!
Timeline goes
The soles of her white leather shoes skidded across the linoleum tiles in protest as Sasuke pushed her towards the door. She came willingly, but after being practically smuggled in the back door, she was having serious second thoughts. Sasuke still hadn't elaborated as to exactly what it was she was going to be doing, and the look in his eye was far too vindictive to make her comfortable.
Her soft white lace and pink parasol was being twisted in both hands from anxiety, and she could feel tremors creeping down her spine to liquefy her knees and she was afraid she'd stumble. A swat to her backside nearly made her jump out of her skin and scream, but she glared over her shoulder at Sasuke's pinwheel stare.
"The hell are you waiting for, woman?" His face twisted into a sneer that did nothing to improve his looks. "Get going already, for chrissake!"
His hissing at her wasn't helping either, but she swallowed hard, and with one trembling hand she grasped the door handle and eased it open. Her heart pounded painfully in her chest, the throbbing in her ears so loud it drowned out everything else. Fingers wrapped around the edge of the door-they looked so pale, was she always that pale looking?-she peeked around the door and into the room. It seemed like just another dressing room. Costumes and makeup strewn across the floors and flat spaces, empty ramen cups spilling out of the trashcan.
And she couldn't see him anywhere.
Relief flooded her system, his absence making it just that much easier to slip inside, not quite closing the door behind her. Swallowing hard, she held her parasol close, picking a path through the mess on the floor as she made her way across the room. She paused in the center, though, unsure of what to do. The various mirrors about the room reflected her hesitation as she wavered, all pink and white and cherry red lips. How long she stood there, unmoving in her indecision, she wasn't sure. A noise at the door made her twist in such a way that her garters dug into her skin, worried it was Sasuke and Naruto playing some sort of sick joke on her.
He leaned against the door and watched her, her skin flaring hotly as he practically stared her down. Cheeks flushed, the floor was suddenly incredibly interesting, and her thumbs brushed against the lace on her parasol, finding comfort in the texture of the material.
"I hope I'm not late..." She chanced another glance at him, a shy smile fleeting across her features before she had to look away again. He was far more intense when she was alone in a room with him, and she tried not to fidget as she realized how small the room really was. Her skin was hot and her insides were doing the most uncomfortable fluttery things, and she was almost regretting agreeing to this.
Eh. I dunno, whatchu guys think? Eh or meh? Yish or nuu? Anybody have a preference for chapter title? Sleep sounds good now, I think. How many people actually read my crapshitewriting anyways? How many people care?
And how many of you are just reading this for the inevitable smut, I wonder? Hum. I should make a poll.
And remember children, insomnia is not your friend!