Mar 26, 2006 14:25
And we're back again~! Because we suck and have nothing better to amuse ourselves with!
Bouncing up and down like on a trampoline~, I just wanna be like all the pretty girls in all the magazines~
wow, almost sounds like song lyric.s. Lyrics. I need to find something better to do with myself than spam everyones f-lists with my retarded blathering as I'm trying to burn off all this excessive energy! Good gravy. need something to do. Somebody call meeeh~!
OMG! I wanna make something with COLORS. Lots and lots of colors! Rainbows and stardust like Ziggy and color coded glittervomit goodness! It'll be greatness like Katamari Damacy and the King of All Cosmos and his tights! Oh my gosh, the eyeballs will bleed and retinas will scream for mercy but the colors will be satisfied like fluffy bunnies feasting on soylent green! ...and that makes NO SENSE but that's okay! Because I'm a-okay and everythings' fantastic when you've had enough sugar to pilot a plane for a round trip from New York to Beijing! YES! I have had lots! But not really!
And I'm abusing my shift and caps lock keys. I'm a bad person. ;___;
But that doesn't mean I don't still love you! Loves! LOVES!
.....PH-chan should wear pink. And flowers. And be ridiculously girlie and stupid.'s PH anti-thesis time. Yes. Ohmygoodness, yes.