I like your poem, but... this line "consumes a fat, white, folly rat" seems a little forced. So does the last stanza. It doesn't seem to match with the first; I really like the first stanza and the first two lines of the second, best of all. Nice job, but I would consider reworking some of it. :-)
Which one? I'm quite sure I'm getting one ("For I Have Sinned") published in the Bucks County Writer. The editor loved it. LOVED it. :-) So there's a good chance.
not that one...although i did like that one...the one i'm thinking was a trilogy. i think you gave it to me last summer? i never got that third pt. (grr)
oh. poo. i loved the other two tho (not that i didn't love your short stories, they rocked)...you are planning on getting it finished tho, right? *is hopeful*
I will finish it, but right now, I'm working on a murder-most-foul novel, which I really believe is my best work so far. I have so much faith in this, in fact, that I'm going to pay someone at the Writer's Room in Doylestown to edit and critique it for me so I can get it ready for publication. It's almost finished and I'm on page 61. I just stayed up until 2:00 AM writing it. This IS the best I've ever done. :-)
thx for commenting..it's been a while
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