This Is a pick an ending story start at one then chose on of the letter choice and follow the directions. If there is only one choice automatically go to that one.
Prompt: Annoying snake, illtempered midgets and feet problems.
Note: You may not enconter all three on your adventure, but their in there.
1.) The salty sea breeze ruffles your hair as you step onto the splintered oak planks of the dock. Your heart beats in excitement as you survey this whole new land to explore. Where will you explore first?
A.) the town - go to 2 B.) The forest- go to 3 C.) The caves- go to 4
2.) the market place is filled with sights and sounds, as people jostle you from all directions. You can hear the lively music of street performers. One of the market stalls catches your eye and you feel drawn to it, you have a few spare gold do you...
A.) Stop to shop- go to 5 B.) See the street performers- go to 6
3.)As you begin to treak down the well worn path to the forest, you discover that a thunder storm the night before has turned the path into a bog. You sink up to your ankles do you...
A.) continue you love mud!- go to 7 B.) turn around and head into town- go to 2
4.) You make your way into the inky black darkness with a make-shift tourch. The light from the tourch flickers over the walls and you see there are two tunnels do you...
A.) go to the left- go to 8 B.) go to the right- go to 9
5.) The old man at the shop in selling rings. You see one cut from jade into the shape of a coiled snake. You have to have it! But you barely have enought gold and you don't want to spend all your savings...
A.) Buy It! go to 10 B.) Don't Buy it!- go to 11
6.) You wander past the booth without a secound glance. You watch the street performers till they pack up for the night. One of them tells you a tale of ritches hidden in the caves do you...
A.) Treasure!!!- go to 4 B.) Check out the booth- go to 5
7.) The further along the path you get the further you sink into the mud. Eventually you give up and turn around to return to your ship.
Go to ending A
8.) The tunnel begins to slope upward, you can see light from up ahead, you immerge near the path to the forrest...
go to 3
9.) You walk into the damp tunnel, continuing on for what seems like an eternity, you drop your tourch into a pool of water, and it dies with a splutter, the tunnel splits again...
A.) go left- go to 12 B.) go right- go to 13
10.) You buy the ring even though the shopkeeper is giving you an oddly malitious look. The ring fits you perfectly. Te snake in now curled around your index finger. The ring seems to pulse with a strange power...
go to ending B
11.) You politely refuse to buy anything, which doesn't go over well with the shopkeeper. you've never seen such an illtempered midget. you walk away your ears ringing with threats about how you'll regret this, and your luck is about to turn for the worse.
go to ending C
12.) You come into a huge underground cavern with an underground lake. You walk down to the water's edge. Suddenly the surface of the lake erupts, a giant snake rears up from the depths...
go to ending D
13.) You come to a roomfull of treasure gaurded by a slumbering Dwarf, you edge forward to steal a jewel, but the dwarf wakes do you.
A.) fight!- go to ending E B,) run- go to ending F.
You trudge back to your ship and when you take off your muddied shoes your are horrified to discover that your feet are stained orange, and somesort of purple fuzz appers to be growing between your toes.
That'll teach you to play in the mud!
It's growing dark, a few blocks from the store you feel a sudden pain in your finger, like twin needles piericing your skin. You begin to feel light headed and dizzy, you try to stumble back to your ship but you collasp in a side alley.
You were killed by a magic snake sorry!
You ingnore the midget, return to your ship and set sail for new shores two weeks into your voyage your ship is struck by a typhon and dashed against a coral reef. You and your crew are stranded on a tropical island.
on the upside the gold you saved from not buying the ring bought you a lifetime supply of coconuts.
The Snake introduced himself as Herman. He has the most high pitched annoying voice you've ever heard. After talking to Herman for a few hours you discover Herman is actually really cool (and really annoying)
You spend the next two years travelling the world together, and everyone you meet agrees Herman is really annoying.
You draw your sword, and rush into battle...and lost badly.
you just lost a duel to a midget, great job.
You limp back to your ship, bruised and battered.
You run as the Dwarf begins to throw things at you something heavy hit the back of your head and you stop to pick it up.
The downside your head hurts
The upside your now have a brand new huge diamond.