Regular Gaming Night at Strangeland on December 7th at 7.00p

Dec 05, 2005 05:29

There will be some gaming going on at StrangeLand, Wednesday December 7th at 7.00p (1900). If you need directions, please ask.

The following are the dates that I expect to gaming to happen for the rest of December:12- 7 - gaming night at Strangeland
12-14 - gaming night at Lunaverse (see happilymyself for details)
12-21 - gaming night at Strangeland
12-28 - gaming night at Lunaverse
As you can see on here, happilymyself has decided to set up gaming at her place on the Wednesdays that it's not happening at Strangeland.

I've set up a mailing list to announce and discuss gaming. If you'd like a mailed announcement rather than just reading this post, say so and I'll add you...

This is the playing board games and card games that originated back when we were still playing Changeling and our GM could only make it every other week.

In the past, we've played Cricket Cricket, Carcassone (Hunters and Gatherers)/Carcassone (Medieval w/most expansions), Settlers/Seafarers/Cities & Knights of Catan, Apples to Apples, Nodwick, Fluxx, Chrononauts, ImaginIff, Falling, Snits Revenge, Awful Green Things, Illuminati, Lunch Money, Filthy Rich, Munchkin (with supplements), Killer Bunnies and others. It depends on what the folks that show up prefer as well as what they bring. Folks are welcome to bring their own games as well.

Note that many people _haven't_ played these games. Most of them are not overly complex and some can be taught on the fly. We do teach the rules before we play, so don't worry if the games aren't familiar.

It's okay to show up a little late to his since we usually play something light first, waiting for folks to show up.

Please feel free to show up. Bring snacks if you'd like although some snacks will be provided.

social, gaming night

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