Sep 24, 2008 20:23
Well that dirty slag decided she has taken a dislike to coolant fluids once again! She's now pissing it out on a intermittent yet regular basis from the overflow tank, that's not a good sign! What I've ascertained is it drop the fluid when the fans come on to cool down the car (around 110c) so this potentially has a double edged effect it loses fluid which in turn causes the temp to rise! I'm going to run with the engine fans on constantly to try and limit that effect. (keep the car cooler)
I'll find more out in a few days when i can get a good look at her but right now a two liter cider bottle is my friend (topups!)
However the situation could be the engine is junked! with gasses escaping through one of the water journals and pressurizing the coolant system causing the coolant to be pushed out of the expansiontank. The thought that the engine went out with a whimper and not a bang is most undignified to me.
Now if this is the case be prepared for the resurrection of the old girl and a post craze from me.
rx7 coolant