Aug 02, 2008 21:57
So I make no bones about it. My job sux. I get treated like trash from the prima-donnas in my group, etc, etc.
Friday we get a help desk ticket opened from a warehouse saying their label printers are slow and they're not getting pick tickets and packing lists at all. This is usually a standard Friday issue. People jamming the systems trying to get done for the weekend.
I check the server that prints the labels. Jobs coming in, jobs going out. Again, this is standard. They like to hit the panic button when there's no real problem.
Check the server that prints the pick tickets and packing lists. "Application log is full". (?) It should overwrite when it fills but it's a new server (I didn't set it up) and the "senior" person that set it up only set the log to 512k and to not overwite. Still...
I let the other senior guy know (oh, did I mention that the two senior guys are the ringleaders of the ones that treat me like trash). We find that the print spooler is down. Restart, it goes down again. "Prima-donna SOP Fix Number 1 - Reboot the server" (they do this for everything). That doesn't work. "Prima-donna SOP Fix Number 2 - Call the consultant" (again, they do this for everything instead of looking for a fix themselves).
Consultant tells P-D to run a utility that sets the spooler back to a plain vanilla install. Prima-donna (from here on refered to as P-D) runs the utility. When he starts getting messages about deleting the standard TCP/IP port I'm franticly shaking my head no. Consultant tells us it's corrupted so to do it. P-D does it. Once the utility finishes the consultant drops offline. P-D reboots. The print spooler comes up but there's no printers defined (duh, that was one of the things the utility did). P-D tries to restore from backup but that doesn't work.
Oh well, we'll just manually set them up again. He prints out half the printers (thank goodness at least *that* was documented although I found some mistakes). I go back to my desk and remote to the server. I see he's already got five entered so go to enter my first. Hmmmm, it won't let me add a TCP/IP printer port. Well yeah, the utility blew that away. All that's left is to add a local printer. "Oh balls".
Of course I see that P-D is merrily adding printers, not realizing that they are all being set as a local printer.
I go back to his cube and tell him the TCP/IP port is hosed. He stares at his printer definitions for a couple of minutes before he figures out what I'm talking about. First thing he does is reboot the server (like I said, it's their fix for everything). He does a quick look at google for a solution and doesn't find it. At this point his brain vapor-locks. He calls the other P-D (who took the day off) and they're throwing stupid ideas back and forth.
I go back to my desk and Google. The first site I find has a chat that was basically "you ran this stupid utility? Stupid wanker, here's how to fix it". I print it out and take it back to him. Get this P-D1 is reading my fix to P-D2 and having him do the registry hack. Something gets mistyped so it doesn't work on the first try. P-D is then on the phone with a VP from our company while P-D2 is working from home. He must have found his typo because suddenly it starts working.
Think I'll get any credit for finding the fix to the stupid thing the P-D did? Pfffft. Yeah right.