Saturday Ramble

Mar 20, 2004 06:01

Morning again. o_o

Yesterday, went out with breakfast with grandparents, went to Franklin Mill's Mall and got my dress. It's nice. If anyone remembers that green one I wore for the St. Patrick's Day dance/Farewell Dance in 8th grade, it's the same style only it's black.

Craig came over. We was fun. Craig's fun to chill with. Walked down to Kemper Park and followed animal tracks in the snow. Got our shoes/bottom of our pants soaked. >.< Burrrrr...We had dinner at my house. Spagetti. (sp?) Yummy. Then we had to go to his house cause my parent's were going out. meh. Had fun over there. We watched School of Rock and Finding Nemo. Both AWESOME movies!! Craig fell asleep during Finding Nemo. He's so cute when he's asleep! He looked so peaceful!!

He has some one-day job for tech this morning at some restuarant in Warrington. He's getting payed, so, nice. No idea when he'll be home. Supposedly we're going to chill with Chris and Andy (the guy) today. Dunno how that will work out. I doubt it will.

Righty-o, that about covers it. Yesterday's snow day was pointless, it should have been a two hour delay but that's really okay because I had a headache most of yesterday. >.< 'k, later.
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