Mar 11, 2004 11:44

UGH! When my teachers showed us our grades, they told me "I haven't added in the work you made up yet (when I was on vacation) but this won't be the grade on your progress report."

What's on my progress report?

English: 64. Teacher lied.
History: 81. Teacher didn't lie.
Algebra: 52. Teacher lied.
Intro to Word: 32. Teacher lied.
Chorus: 100. Dinkin's.

I mean, seriously. If you are going to tell me that those grades on the grade sheet are wrong and you are going to fix them, SHOULDN'T YOU FIX THEM? There is NO WAY I am failing three of my classes. They told me that those grades, the ones on my progress report, WERE WRONG AND THEY WERE GOING TO FIX THEM! THEY LIED! My parents are going to kill me, because my teachers can't fucking do what they said they are going to.

Class Rank: 266
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