Feb 06, 2013 16:46

With 2012 ended and 2013 starting It's time for my yearly log. Really this is for my self but just putting it out there if anyone cares.

Lets see, there were so many goodbyes this past year. The major one being me and Chris breaking up. Now, almost 8 months later, I see how good of a choice this was for me. I am 100% happier, and healthier. I am now free to do as i please and i don't have to lie or just deal with being stuck home because he never wanted me to go out or see my friends. Now I see my friends when I want and spend my weekend in the arms of my new found love. I also had to say goodbye to my favorite dog Maggie, my uncle's dog...she was 13 and was in liver failure. She was the most amazing dog. I also had a harder good bye of having to say good bye to one of my best friends, rp partner and who I thought may have been my soul mate, the later being proved wrong later on by finding Andrew. Saying a permanent good bye to Acer was one of the hardest things ive had to do. With his new mate and our past, it had to be done. He couldn't even look at me at FF. It killed me and with that kind of pain...it was only fair to him, me, his mate and Keely that we just fully ended it. 3 years and now...i just wonder what it was all for. Today was the first time i have thought of him in about 2 months so i know the pain will fully fade...it just sucks that it had to. I know im better off this way...so i guess it works out.

This year has really thrown me for a loop. Breaking up with Chris, getting together with Andrew, moving back to my parents. After all of this craziness, its amazing to finally have some stability. Keely is my rock and has no problems letting me lean on him as hard as i need to. After finding out that all my stomach issues are from ulcers, ive been on meds and have been slowly getting better. im still sick alot and im still very tired alot. its getting better but very slowly.

ill post more later....
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